
Responses from mosin

What is the best knot for a thread drive belt ?
Here's a good knot. It has a smooth side that tends to run on the platter. It stays tied, too. If my memory serves me, it is the same knot used by Micro Seiki back in the day.WinSaskia Turntables 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Glen,Any differences between Jean and I can be found by reading this thread.As far as my pricing goes, consider my costs. I don't redo an existing turntable. Rather, it is a new design that uses a lot of exotic materials, involves a lot of time to... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
I was asked on another forum to make a comparison between a commonly found commercial turntable and a Lenco tweaked by a marketeer, or a DIY Lenco. My response was that a turntable built by an enthusiast always trumps one built by a marketeer who ... 
Review: Win Tinnon Saskia Turntable
Thanks guys, I try to do my best, and I really appreciate your kind comments. They mean a lot to me. I have a passion for this hobby, and when others appreciate my vision of what a turntable should be, it is extremely encouraging. You guys make th... 
Why three motors?
Well, thank you. I do build idlers because of some predisposition that I have. Bear in mind that ours is a hobby of flavors, though. Still, I am intrigued by different approaches, whether they be three motor belt drives or massive string drives. A... 
Spiral Groove Centroid tonearm
Of course, I consider your Olympos cartridge to be among the finest in the world. That said, in a sense, isn't the alignment similar in ways to the tried and true alignment jig of times gone past? In the case of the Spiral Groove, precision is a g... 
Why three motors?
When I first saw such a turntable, the arrangement of the belt struck me first, and I admit not particularly considering the motors. Now that the question has been properly framed, I don't really understand the principle of three motors, but I do ... 
Spiral Groove Centroid tonearm
Hi,The tonearm employs the same principle as the old Magnepan Unitrac tonearm, but with modern refinements. The idea of central mass in a unipivot design isn't a new one, but it is a very solid concept. Here's a bit more on the subject...http://db... 
To buy or not to buy a used cartridge?
I have bought literally dozens of used cartridges, and while it is an extreme risk because half are no good, the price is right, and often there are treasures that compensate for money wasted on the others. All you need to know is that you will ge... 
Monster Cable Alpha - 1
The Monster Cable Alpha series, the Accuphase AC series, the ADC TRX series, and the current ZYX lineup were all designed by Count Hisayoshi Nakatsuka. 
Which TT to keep? SP10, 124, 301, L75, B12H
I wouldn't be able to sell them all, so it would come down to two of them. I would pair the Garrard with the Ortofon arm and one of the Lencos with the Micro Seiki. I listen to a lot of flavors of music, everything really, so the combination of a ... 
Does Anyone Have Info On Azden GM-P5L Cartridge?
Hi again,I have some skinny ones, but none that long. Maybe McMaster-Carr has something that will work. 
Does Anyone Have Info On Azden GM-P5L Cartridge?
How long do they need to be? I don't know if I have any, but I do have a decent selection of mounting hardware. If they are in my stash, you are welcome to them. 
Does Anyone Have Info On Azden GM-P5L Cartridge?
Distributors used to give the Azden GM-1E high output MC to dealers for free with the hopes that they would sell some of the other models. It was awful. (I still have mine around here someplace.) Anyway, the GM-P5L (a line contact) was up a few no... 
Benefits of a record ring
A couple of things...First: In response to Dan_ed, my turntable can handle the extra weight. It is where the weight is placed that I find troublesome. I find it troublesome with certain other turntables, too. Keeping the mass near the center of th...