
Responses from mosin

Need a Magnepan UniTrac I tonearm repaired
Contact me through the forum. Help is but a phone call away. :)Win 
Signet MR 5.0 me - LPGear replacement stylus
If you are going to replace the stylus, try to find the original LC stylus. The difference is decidedly better. Both detail and separation are improved to a point that the additional cost is warranted. William Thakker had some, and may still.I fin... 
How good does a TT have to be for a good cartridge
What I believe you will find is that a good cartridge will sound good, a fair cartridge may also sound good, and a bad cartridge sometimes will sound good on a pedestrian turntable. On a really excellent turntable, what you thought was a good cart... 
Timeline Calculator
Hi Ketchup. Please send one to sobutsowhatatcomcastdotnet. Thanks! 
Timeline Calculator
Same here. The e-mail link isn't there. 
Acoustic Solid main bearing oil
Any good synthetic oil should work fine. He may want to experiment a bit with various weights because that alone can slightly alter the signature of the table. More than likely a heavier weight will provide the best results, however. Also, adding ... 
Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?
I love music. Sometimes, I think it is my life. I also am fascinated my machines. I suppose that's why I make turntables. I always want to break new ground, and sometimes it works, sometimes not. In the end, however, the main passion is the music,... 
Garrard 301-Worth the effort?
I do believe that mass matters in certain designs, and I also agree that proportion counts for a lot. I suppose it comes down to how the best case scenario is accomplished. A high mass plinth can be designed, so that its visual features are attrac... 
Headshell wire broke
Hi Albert,For those who may not know, a Hakko soldering station is virtually a "must Have" for audiophiles. I don't know what I did before I got mine. 
Audio Technica AT-1005II parts
You could get someone who owns one to make appropriate measurements. A machinist would be able to make one. I have one someplace, and I would be willing to make the measurements. You need dimensions and weight.E-mail me through the forum. 
Turntable speed accuracy
"Mosin, as inertia is directly related to mass and friction.....are you saying that heavy platters have inherently greater inertia than light ones?"What I'm saying is that sheer mass is less effective when it is capriciously used than when it is p... 
Turntable speed accuracy
A point was stumbled upon here, but no one followed through with the observation.Halcro noted, " would have seen.......about half way through the video......where he drops the cartridge on the record and immediately.....the speed decreases?A... 
Turntable speed accuracy
I agree with Dertonarm on this subject. DD turntables vary due to their designs and construction. Some are very accurate. String drives can indeed be very accurate, as long as the string is fresh. Idler drives, the one I know a little about, have ... 
Strain gauge vs Zyx 4D/Atmos
Hi Raul...and you guys,Have you considered the possibility that a strain gauge cartridge could be built, so that it mechanically meets the RIAA standard without the help of its associated electronics? After all, RIAA circuitry in a phonostage simp... 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Mentioned was the AT-95. this happens to be the same cartridge as the Linn K5 or the Clearaudio Aurum Beta S. I own all these incarnations, and I assure you that they are really nothing to write home about. They not bad, mind you, but they fall wa...