
Responses from mosin

new cart and Where's the bass ?
Samhar is probably correct. Lower the arm a bit, and the bass will most likely improve. This is typical of a Grado. It could take quite a few plays for the suspension to loosen back up on an NOS Grado that has been sitting idle for awhile, too. 
DIY turntable plinth material
I agree that Delrin is a wonderful material for turntable use. I have no audio experience with Corian, except that I do know it works easily. MDF, on the other hand, is a material that is like lead in that a little goes a long way. Be careful with... 
Rabco SL-8E Tone Arm
Nandric,I believe that Morch may be referring to the importance of the moment of inertia around the longitudinal axis of the tonearm. This was first explored by Michell Cotter many decades ago, and was the basis for the development of the Magnepan... 
Anybody heard Galibier or JC Verdier turntables?
Hmm...The thread is six years old, but crazy old Mackris lingers on. Thom is a friend who makes a pretty good turntable. :) 
Help me pick a great phono cable
I like Tel-Wire. They aren't flashy, but they are made with really good stuff. Best of all, they don't seem to color the sound. 
which is the best headshell ??
Wait...The Orsonic is one of the greats, but which one for you depends on the effective mass that your particular tonearm/cartridge combination requires. If you tell us that, we will be able to give you a more specific answer.Win 
Rabco SL-8E Tone Arm
Dave is one of the good guys. He can probably repair one in his sleep, too. ;)Win 
Which to get rid of, TD145 MKii or Dual 1219?
In my honest opinion, the Dual 1019 is the best of all the Duals. I have owned eight Duals, and currently own two, the 1019 and a 601. The TD145 doesn't match the Dual, also in my opinion. I currently own two TD150s and a TD165. On occasion, I lis... 
Listening habits and LP storage
If I lived in earthquake territory,I probably wouldn't notice much difference after a big quake. Records are everywhere, except where there are turntables, which are everywhere else. 
alternative power supply for Garrard 301
Hello,Mark is better. In fact, he has been recovering nicely and the project is ongoing. I hope you guys haven't given up because I am confident that a good controller will come of this for those of you who have been patient enough to wait. Someti... 
Tonearm Ideas for Garrard 301 Rebuild
"The piece I have is a hammertone as mentioned but to be honest i'm not a huge fan of the look. Is it a pain to repaint and what does this do to the sonics of the piece and/or resale value?"It wouldn't affect anything, except the value. It would s... 
Who listens only to vinyl?
I believe the mind compensates according to the situation. I'll explain.I took digital out of my home system because I like vinyl so much better there. However, digital is perfectly acceptable in my car, even low bitrate homemade CDs burned from m... 
Using Brillianize remove Static
Brillianize is commonly used in the copier industry, and that is where I first encountered it. Years ago, I tried it in a homebrew record cleaning solution, and it worked very well. My mix per gallon is:Four parts water (Aquafine works well.)One p... 
Is a hearing aid the best possible tweak for 50+
Branislav said,"Explains why so many bright and aggressive systems at audio shows are still highly regarded."That is exactly what I was thinking. 
I tried a cheap cartridge and I LIKE IT
"Ive been told its better to have a good TT and a cheap cartrige than a mediocre TT and an expensive cartridge."That's the part that interests me. The first thing I noticed with my latest turntable is that some of the cartridges I liked previously...