
Responses from mosin

Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
"Ain't that the truth. Funny how so many end users find the net result to be simpatico. I am an agnostic, haven't heard it. But I do love my own Lenco L75 with PTP in slate plinth. I am sure you have made an uninformed negative judgement of that a... 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
Alec,My best wishes that you get it exactly like you want. That is one of the fun parts of our hobby, and you'll know when it is there. After all, what we do is about music, isn't it? Regards,Win 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
Dertonarm,Fine, but the reality is that it isn't so much the drive method, as it is the implementation of ideas. This isn't really a debatable point. Rather, it is a question of hearing a great many turntables, and listening to them in a critical ... 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
The original topic was, "Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?" That is the proverbial can of worms, isn't it? We can sit here ad infinitum, and discuss the merits of this or that implementation, but at the end of the day the user wants to i... 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
Aoliviero,You said..."I have been pondering the technical aspects behind TT speed stability in a qualitative way. I think there might be situations where mass plays an important role. I tend to think about this as AC vs DC, low vs high torque, low... 
Problem with my Triplanar
Is there any chance that the wand is touching the lift rest? Maybe it isn't dropping all the way every time. ...just a thought. 
Garrard 401 PSU
Again, what's your budget? 
Cottage industry of phono stage?
Jeffery Jackson's LCR phonostage looks at the issue in an entirely different way. We need guys like him who work independently without consideration to costs because it is they who advance the art. 
Best pivoted arm for SOTA less than $1000 used
I agree with Al. The Magnepan Unitrac would be a good choice at the pricepoint for your cartridge. The VTA adjustment on it is particularly sweet, too. However, if you find one, make certain that it is complete. They tend to show up with this or t... 
Wish List For Vinyl Pressings
R_f_sayles,Wrecking Ball by Emmylou Harris is available on vinyl. Your wish hasn't necessarily been granted, however. It is exceedingly hard to find.An acquired taste, Lucinda Williams, had a couple of early records so rare that they sold for hund... 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
Hi,One method that has been used many times with belt and string driven turntables is that of extreme platter mass. I suppose I did much the same with my idler driven turntable. It has a centerweighted platter of 12.5 kg. (26 lbs.) That is heavy f... 
Anybody with an expensive TT try this????
I don't disagree with Doug. I'm just saying that gems do exist that strut their stuff only on really good turntables, yet don't break the bank. The Technics I mentioned was the first to come to mind. 
Anybody with an expensive TT try this????
I believe it goes both ways. I have tried cartridges on my turntable that range in price from a few dollars, like $10-12 on eBay, to $10,000. What I noticed is that some really inexpensive cartridges which sound great on a lesser turntable might s... 
Technics EPA-500 users
I've had one a long time, and prefer it without the gasket. 
How Does the Soundsmith
Hi,I suppose I agree with Doug. He heard the Voice on my turntable, and I admit that it was a bit romantic sounding when compared to a cartridge like the Lyra Olympos. That said, it cost significantly less money than the near unobtanium Olympos. I...