
Responses from mosin

Benefits of a record ring
My take is that the effect of a ring clamp depends on the turntable where it is used. In the case of the turntable I build, a ring clamp has the potential to affect the moment of inertia to the detriment of the sound. It depends on the weight of t... 
The pivoted arm experiment is over
Hi,First of all, Thom, go figure is my saying. Check the archives. ;)To the rest of you guys,Thom is my friend, so I can talk to him that way. Besides, he has his Nomex suit on.:)All that said, I'll try to be the voice of reason...To quote Rodney ... 
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?
03-09-10: Stanwal"The 205 was one of the best , if not the best MMs ever built. I still have a couple that need rebuilding. But I never heard of ANY p mount cartridge that could compete with a good standard mount given the compromises necessary by... 
Artemis Labs SchroederTonearm
Artemis Labs builds a Schroeder designed tonearm that is different from the ones that Frank makes by hand. Still, they are very, very good. 
Clearaudio Concept vs. Emotion, and beyond
The Concept has a poorly implemented tonearm that allegedly violates Frank Schroeder's US and European Union Patents. That one will see a courtroom. 
thoughts on the Madrigal Carnegie One
You know, audio is a lot like an ice cream parlor. It's all about flavors where one man's trash is another man's treasure. Me? I like a lot of flavors, and I wouldn't have at any other way. :) 
thoughts on the Madrigal Carnegie One
A proper used value for that piece is between $275 and $375. Old or not, it is well worth that amount. 
thoughts on the Madrigal Carnegie One
Sballs,You are right in that the Madrigal should be a good value these days. It sold for $1,200 back when it was made, and will stand up to those selling for that amount now. 
thoughts on the Madrigal Carnegie One
During the reorganization of Benz, a collaboration was arranged between Van den Hul, Mori and Lukaschek. Lukaschek already worked for Benz, and Mori was well-regarded for his contribution in the development of the Sony XL55 cartridge which employe... 
Best TT plinth material, cost no object
Yours is an interesting question, and if you find someone who gives you a definitive answer, you have found one of the many charlatans in high-end audio. If you find anyone who seems to know too much about this hobby, you have found a liar.That sa... 
returning vinyl for warpage?
"01-15-10: CurioI use this one ..I made by myself .. one month close there and you 'll find your LP perfectly flat!"Guys, This actually works. Of course, we aren't talking about totally trash alb... 
Speed Stability
Tony,I believe what you may be missing is the sad fact that it may be impossible to fix everything, but all the little things add up, so we try to fix what we can. Look at a turntable the same way you look at an entire system. It will never be per... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
01-09-10: Breuninger"To me, a turntable is part art, part performance." Yes! 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Oops! The last of the sentence should have read "overly enthusiastic fan." I suppose I suffer from an overly enthusiastic mouse finger because I posted before I finished writing. ;)Win 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
"The problem is, that words have nothing to do with reality."This is the truth of the matter. There are those of us here who design turntables, and while we can expound on their merits endlessly, the best any of us can hope for is to find those wh...