
Responses from mgottlieb

Attention London Calling
Three good classical collections: Harold Moore's on Old Marlborough St. near Oxford Street (the deepest catalogue you'll ever find), Record Exchange at Notting Hill Gate (great prices), and Gramex on Lower Marsh near Waterloo Station (quirky). The... 
250 watts: why so much power?
Matchstikman--to answer your questions to me: (1) there are simple formulations as to efficiency. If I remember correctly, and I'm a listener, not an engineer, speaker efficiency is measured in decibels of output per watt of power input. Speakers ... 
250 watts: why so much power?
A few years ago I switched speakers from generally efficient ones to a quite inefficient pair. The amps driving my old speakers did so beautifully with 100 watts of class A power per channel. However,they were totally inadequate to drive the new s... 
problem with levinson no 37?
Rives is exctly right. I had the same problem on a few CD's with the 37. It just would not play them--maybe one in a couple hundred. As I recall, it happened most often on CD's where I had used the track memory to play specific selections. I sent ... 
dCS Verdi: Upsampled PCM vs. Converting PCM to DSD
With regard to CD listening, I use a Classe Omega SACD player as a CD transport with an older dCS Purcell/Elgar pair, and love the set-up. Before buying the Classe, I had a chance to do a head-to-head comparison of the all dCS system against a CEC... 
transport w best detail retrieval and 'weight'
This is not going to be a popular suggestion with some people, but consider picking up a used Sony SCD-1. Its transport section was a revolutionary design and its strongest point, and you get SACD as a "bonus". It's slow in operation, but can stan... 
B&W N800 vs Wilson WP7 vs Revel and others
At the price and performance level you are considering, you really need to hear as much as possible what is out there. I heartily recommend the Eggleston Andra II's, which I own and which I believe compete head to head with any of the speakers you... 
Risks of using SACD1 in Custom mode?
I seriously doubt that there is anything a sane user can do which would present a problem. When I had an SCD-1 I had both tubed (Lamm L1) and solid state (Pass x-1) preamps, and first Pass Aleph 2 and then Classe CAM-350 amps, with Eggleston Andra... 
Lamm LP2 Deluxe vs. Manley Steelhead
I can't do a comparison, but I've used the Lamm for more than a year and love it. I use it with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature, which is a pretty low output cartridge, and it has been fine. One point, which might be of interest: even with sources tha... 
Comparing Classe CA 400, CA 401, and Cam 350
When I bought the 350's--which are superb--the manufacturer told me (telephone call to Canada) that they were clearly superior to the 400. I had a chance to audition both, and that was unquestionably right. I haven't heard the 401, so cannot comme... 
Amping Andra's
Gdolin's comments are very acute. I feel that the Andras' bass is very solid, and natural, if not as overwhelming (not a criticism) as Revel or B & W, but that if there is any slight problem, it is a bit of a suck-out in the very low midrange/... 
Brucegel: whether or not your count is accurate, your comment is irrelevant to the XRCD vs. SACD question asked, which is what I, at least, was attempting to respond to. The issue isn't whether anyone has to repurchase their collection, it's about... 
I recently made a direct comparison of the RCA-BMG Fiedler Gaite Parisienne on imported SACD (a hybrid from BMG Hong Kong) with the JVC XRCD reissue. SACD was through my Classe Omega SACD player, a $12,000 player built on the transport of the SCD-... 
Is it worth it?
The Eggleston Isabels ($2900 plus $500 for matching stand) are quite amazing for their size, and are very attractive. The Eggleston Fontaines are a bit bigger, but have lower stands, so they take up the same amount of room. They are even better, b... 
Have tried and owned all three of Golden Reference, Golden Cross and Neutral Reference. If your system leans to the warm side, you might consider the Neutral Reference. If to the cool thin side, maybe the Golen Cross. But if you just want the best...