
Responses from mgottlieb

speaker cable and interconnect different brands?
I think the key is finding cables which work well together, because using cables with similar but not identical characteristics together may give you a better sound than the same type all through the system. I use NBS Monitor 0 digital and speaker... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
I haven't heard any of the players you list long enough to comment on them, but I have been listening to upconverted CD for years through the dCS Purcell and Elgar, and have heard other comparable upconversion systemsas well (e.g., the Accuphase).... 
Which speakers work close to back wall?
Egglestonworks speakers were designed to go near the back wall. 
Quality of Sony SACD players as CD transports
When I got the Sony SCD-1 as an SACD player, I was using a Levinson 37 transport, which I still think was a great piece of equipment, for CD playback into a dCS Purcell upconverter and Elgar DAC. After the SCD-1 broke in (300 hours) I compared the... 
Single brand vs. multiple brand ICs and ACs
I think using more than two brands of cables at any one time is enough to drive anyone crazy, and the same is true of two cables which are very different also. However, if you stumble across two cables which are generally similar in type of sound,... 
difference between Sony SCD 1 and SCD 777ES
The SCD-1 has a bigger power supply. As I recall it is 5 or 6 pounds heavier. 
Is Sony SCD-1 still worth to possess?
I know there are people out there who have a different opinion, but I give a strong yes. It is still a fine SACD player and a good if not great CD player directly, but it is a fabulous CD transport to use with an outboard DAC. It replaced a Levins... 
What is the best matching DAC for Sony SCD-1 ?
The SCD-1 is a superb transport, better than many pricey separate transports--it certainly beat my previous transport, a Levinson 37, by a mile. Playing CDs from its digital out to a dCS Purcell-Elgar combo, which I had prior to getting the Sony, ... 
Which VPI LP Cleaning Machine?
I had lots of trouble with a 16 for the reason discussed above--no reservoir--and it literally fell apart. I switched to a 17. It performed flawlessly for over 10 years, and then I sold it to a friend (who had minor repairs made) and bought anothe... 
B&W Series 80 808's
I had a pair for almost 15 years. There were things those speakers could do that no other B & W's since have done--a wonderful, warm rich sound. (I've only heard an un-broken in pair of the new 800's.) A very close friend of mine has them now,... 
Townsend seismic sink or Clearaudio Magnetic
Don't know if you mean the individual platforms or the large unit Townshend subsequently marketed. I don't know anything about the latter. If you mean the old Seismic Sink platforms for individual components, however, I had no end of trouble with ... 
Racks vs. furniture w/pods, points, aurios, etc?
I use Salamander racks as a good-looking compromise (cherry and black) and use Signal Guard II isolation platforms under all key components with the spikes of the Signal Guards resting in Aurios Pro isolation devices. It all grew up over time, but... 
Best Amp for under 10K?
Classe CAM 350s are marvelous, especially with a tube preamp. I haven't been able to find a justification for paying more to replace them, and unfortunately I usually can. Question is whether you need all that power, however. The 200s are supposed... 
Latest Score on SACD for Redbook Playback??
Sony is still making the guts of the SCD-1 available to Classe. Classe's advertising on their $12,000 player emphasizes that it is built on the SCD-1 transport. That takes hundreds of hours to break in, but when it does, wow--it is the best transp... 
Power Amps and Power Conditioners, Do you plug in?
Depends on the power conditioner and the time of year. My amps generally sound better at all times plugged into my Burmester line conditioner, which was not the case with the line conditioners I had before, but they always sounded better running t...