Responses from mgottlieb
The best speaker you ever heard? I would vote for the Kharma Exquisite Reference too. I think it was the 1A, with external crossovers. I could sit and listen to it for days if they didn't kick me out. | |
Balanced vs RCA Interconnects Most high end manufacturers will be happy to tell you what they have found works best with their equipment, and what in fact they've designed for. I have a friend with Accuphase equipment who told me that the rep told him that they design for SE a... | |
upsampling? I re-read my last comment, and decided it wasn't fair. For all I know, Levinson is 100% correct as to the technology. But what I can state is there was a substantial improvement when I substituted the Purcell (for the Genesis Digital Lens) between... | |
Power cords for Aleph amps Mr. Perkins--not only was I repeating a conversation I had when I called Pass, but my dealer indicated that he had been told the same thing. Perhaps my "erudite commentary" was an overstatement, and to the extent it offended your delicate sensibil... | |
upsampling? Yes, all CD's sound better through the Elgar and Purcell combo, some more than others. The difference clearly is in the amount of information which comes through, and to me is most apparent in the way note-to-note flow of strings, and especially m... | |
Biwire with diffrent brands? I tried it once with two bi-wire cables on speakers with three terminals, and after playing around concluded it was best with the Monster on the highs and lows and both of the XLO's spades on the midrange. After a few months I got a pair of tri-wi... | |
Best 3-way or 4-way speaker under $15K You ought to check the Egglestonworks Andras. They are under $15 K if $14,900 counts, have a wonderful tweeter and midrange, and astonishing bass, and were Stereophile Class A until a few months ago (they drop components they have not recently hea... | |
Cumulative Effects of Cables? I think the answer may lie to a great extent in (a) where in the system the various cables go, and (b) how similar to or different from each other in tonal balance they are. When I gradually shifted from Straightwire Crescendo, a somewhat lean, "b... | |
Where to buy LPs online? To update my last posting, The Classical Collector does have a website,, and the phone no. is (847) 864-3981. Great guy, great records. | |
Where to buy LPs online? If you want to consider a real person, not a website, I strongly recommend Gerry Canter, The Classical Collector,3151 Harrison Street, Evanston, Ill. 60201, an 847 area code--don't have the no. with me. He has sizable catalogues of new material ev... | |
Running bi-wire cables backwards OK? Actually, I asked Cardas this very question regarding a bi-wired pair of Cardas Golden Reference cables. Colleen Cardas told me that it did not matter which direction their Golden Reference and Golden Cross cables were hooked up in, but that those... | |
Aleph Owners and Users... I owned the 0's and 2's and heard the 3's and 1.2's in other systems I know well. They all sounded great. The problem with the whole series of power amps was that at every power level they drew an enormous amount of power from the wall, and produc... | |
Class Action Suit against UPS? Yes, UPS just lost a pair of cables, and their resonse was "well, the address was wrong." But that was the address their moron clerk typed on the receipt after I read it to him correctly twice on the phone, not the address I correctly put on the p... | |
Pass Labs X-1, X-2, X-0 I disagree. I recently bought an x-1 and x-ono, replacing an Aleph P and Aleph ono, and found them warmer,richer and quieter; and the Alephs were no slouch. In case you haven't seen it, the last Absolute Sound had a section entitled Golden Ear Awa... | |
Power cords for Aleph amps I had Aleph 2's until recently (switched to Classe CAM-350's for more power when I changed speakers. I found Essential Sound Product (ESP) cords were a major improvement, and so, alternatively, were Harmonix Pro-11's (name?). So were Bybee quantum... |