
Responses from mesch

Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
@prof I have been following this great thread. Thanks! I will be looking to audition the O/babys. Seem a good fit for my room.   
Ever change your mind?
I have had greater remorse over things I have sold than those I had purchased. Like most I was selling to partly offset cost on something else.  
Sound improvement with DAC, or Amp update
Well, if your budget extends to $1600 you have more options. What budget are you considering?  I have read very good things on this forum and a Stereophile review about the Outlaw receiver mentioned by Yogi. I have not heard it however. I happen... 
Sound improvement with DAC, or Amp update
I also believe an integrated amplifier would be the way to go. Many have built in DACs. Then check out the many threads here on AG regarding streamers. There are better ways to go on a budget.  Get an integrated that does justice to your speakers ... 
First CD player help!
If considering Crutchfield, I would go for the Cambridge or the Yamaha. Within budget, both have coax digital output for your external DAC to compare to the internal one.  With Crutchfield you have 60 days to run the player hard (play a large po... 
Best custom photo acoustic panels
ATS Acoustics, Piper City IL, will place any photo onto a canvas for any size sound panel. They can make custom panels or just send you the canvas. It is best to make the ratio of HxW pixel number to be close to the ratio of the HxW distance.   
Am I Killing My Sound?
You might consider running the 8 ga romex to a sub panel. Then run separate lines from sub panel to your system, all on same phase. You would need a sub panel having 4 spaces to run two lines on the same phase.  I would only use the power conditi... 
The magic of outdoor listening
Well, I also have a system I roll outside onto my back deck. Listen to that system more than my main one during summer months. Yes, the freedom from room constraints is amazing.  I live in the country, nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile away. Listening... 
Move from Parasound A23 to A21/A21+ or Something Else?
I agree with those supporting the purchase of a used A21+.   You stated that you like the Parasound signature and want more power.  A used A21+ fits your budget.  
Need advice: Hegel V10 phono stage and Sumiko Blue No.2
Well, relative to the output of many MM cartridges 2.5mV is not high. Some MM carts will double that voltage, thus providing 6dB more gain.  What capacitance settings are available? I believe the Blue Point requires a low setting for this.  
Powerquest 3 vs. Niagara 1200
@drowe In your comparison was the amplifier also plug into the conditioners?  I wonder about the differences when conditioner is used only for source components including preamp if using separates.  
How Do You Learn?
@nonoise Thanks for the link.   
Need some help- Speaker choice for Schiit Aegir+ Freya+
+1 on the Fritz recommendation. He allows home auditions.   
Mapleshade-Pierre Sprey
Somehow I have missed this thread. Have many Mapleshade CDs and their USB/SPDIF converter.  @jjss49 Thanks for the read.  
Burning in question
I am with those that advise the use of different modest speaker cables for a burn in period.