
Responses from mesch

Upgrade path direction
Which is priority, analog or digital? If analog I would replace the TT. Then the phonostage. I believe your digital components to be of relatively higher quality than your analog components.  I believe the preamp and amp to be the best sound qual... 
Pass XA 25 and Goldenear Triton Reference
How large is your room? You listen at 95dB from how far away from speakers? What is speakers impedance? I would likely default to those that indicate you need more power.   
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
Thanks Ghasley!  I remain very interested in these speakers. Nice room.   
Tube Integrated Under 1,500
I should add that I own a Line Magnetic 211ai. It is the 32wpc (ultralinear), 16wpc (triode) tube integrated. I feel it drives my 91dB, 8 ohm Tannoys in a 12x14 room however they are an easier load than your Rainmakers.  
Tube Integrated Under 1,500
As others have expressed, I not sure a 30wpc tube amplifier would be the best choice for your Rainmakers.  That said your room is small which would help. It may come down to the loudness levels you play at.  I once owned the Pathos Model One MKII... 
Wall Art
@aseaman007 Thanks for the thread. Will be using the info received. There are several places where one can have a picture printed on canvas for making sound panels. I have used ATS acoustics for this.  
Wall Art
@dinov Yes, good post, great info.  
would using the onkyo a9150 with Thiel CS6 speakers be safe?
May work as a stop gap. Not enough info regarding room size and desired volume levels to determine how well.. The impedance of the speakers is troublesome. Sonics will suffer.  
Which device to use as the pre-amp
Have to agree with Ozzy. That said, if you want to take advantage of the features of the A12 then use it as the pre. Does the Marantz have preamp inputs?  
Changes to older system
Forgot to add, use your existing cables as a baseline. You can explore upgrades there with the new system.  
Changes to older system
@ideal8592 You state that you have a budget of 2K per component. I assume that you are planning on replacing the entire system. If this is not true please advise. Given my assumption is correct,  I would 1st find a pair of speakers that meet your... 
Maggie LRS amping question
I should add that I also am interested in owning a pair of these speakers.   
Maggie LRS amping question
+1 jjss49.   Maggies operate at low impedance, driven more by current than watts. Bridging an amplifier produces greater watts at the expense of current.  I am not familiar with your Rotel amp. If it delivers far greater watts into low impedance... 
Digital Interconnects - Which one is the BEST ??!!
+1 Baylinor. Between CD transport and DAC - depends on which is available. I would use I2S over AES, AES over Coax, and avoid optical if possible.  Between analog output from CD player to DAC choices are RCA or XLR. 'Best' depends on wether both ... 
JJ Vacuum Tubes In Stock
@jtcf Which Aric Audio amp do you own? I have his Transcend PP.