
Responses from mesch

15 ohm speakers yea or nay?
@rodman99999 Great article. Once seen it before, however paid greater attention to it this time.  Used the info to determine needs for my Tannoy Sterlings. The recent review of them in Stereophile did raise some concerns.  I am thinking they may n... 
12'x16'x8' room OK for good stand mounts?
I used stand mounts in a room of similar size. Placed speakers along short wall, audio rack to side of listening chair. Made my own absorption panels. Nothing in room but my chair and selves for music.  Speakers were toed in about 2' from side wa... 
15 ohm speakers yea or nay?
83dB/2.83V/m = 83dB/1W/m at 8ohms however = to 86dB/1W/m at 16 ohms?    
Should I bi-amp or bridge my amps to feed my speakers
Glad it worked out so well for you.  
Should I bi-amp or bridge my amps to feed my speakers
In your situation you could use one amp for the woofers and one for the mid/treble or you could  use a single amp each for the L and R speaker.  I would try both ways.  Bridging allows for greater watts at the expense of current. Not good for low... 
Vinyl Stereo setup: Paradigm Mini Montor v2. old speakers ?
Get those speakers out of the closet and and let her give them a workout.  Probably a good fit for the other components she has.  What TT is it? How is the cartridge?  
Brown Electronic Laboratory amplifer 1001 MV
The BEL 1001 MK5 is a great amplifier!  I once owned one. Sold it, a regrettable mistake for sure. Would not be hard to replace the RCAs.  
recommended speakers for Raven Blackhawk 3.1
If looking for a stand mount  you should consider Fritz speakers.  In your budget, great reviews, and easy to drive.  Give him a call.   
A rookie with 10K, seeking advise
@llid2  You have been given much advice. Please get back to us regarding your thoughts.  
Weak Link in chain as I upgrade from mid-fi?
To map out an upgrade path 1st consider how much you are thinking to spend through out the trip. Do you plan on selling your existing equipment as they are replaced? Then think about where to start, source end or speaker end. If source end I woul... 
Midfi Integrated amp w/ phone stage recommendation
+1 smrex13 Though I find the amplification stages on the Yamaha 701/801 to be fine for the price tag. With those units one is purchasing a phonostage and a DAC in the same box. One review I read  on the 801 suggests the DAC section out performs th... 
Am I Better Off With Limited Low Frequency Speaker In A Small Room?
Yes, I think you are on to something. I would seek out a pair of stand mount speakers and forgo the sub. I have used a pair of Esoteric MG-10s (2-way stand mounts) in a small room for years. Frequency limit is lower 40s. I listen to rock (not heav... 
tube pre & ss amp integrated
I am with @soix . You don't need 200wpc. Also, I have owned a Vincent SV-226 (Now sold as the SV-227, 100wpc) and truly enjoyed it. I also owned a Pathos Model One MKII (Now sold as MKIII, 70wpc).  I believe either would serve your speakers well. ... 
Storage of other speakers in the room, shorting them while not in use? Myth or true?
A second set of speakers in the room, well placed, may serve as bass traps.  
A rookie with 10K, seeking advise
@charles1dad  Thanks!