
Responses from mesch

Interesting Setup - At least in my eyes
Seems to me too many gain stages in the signal path. Only to be attenuated.  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
I can't believe that many audiophiles haven't considered speaker placement as important. Jim Smith wrote a valuable book. I own a copy.  Great food for thought for someone making their 1st serious investment in  home audio. Provides a focus towar... 
Question about Class A
@jay73 Sorry I missed the requested info. I would listen to the Sudgen for a while. Let it break in. Let yourself adjust to it. After some 100 hours swap back the Vincent. Then revisit your thoughts.      
Best Integrated/Control Amp for less than $5000
So many integrated amplifiers for under 5K that would best the Hafler combination.  The question is which ones play best with your speakers towards your sonic preferences.    
Question about Class A
Unless I missed it, nowhere herein did you state the other components of your system.  Remember you are listening to a system, not a single component. I would not involve a switch box. Listen to the Sugden for a while. Then replace with the Vince... 
I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls....
Yes, the Schiit Loki serves a tone control and as a variable  loudness control. $160.  
Tried just my DAC as Preamp and started something.
I would listen to the DAC/amp combo for a while then switch back to use of the pre. Don't be too quick to interpret change to a different sonic experience be viewed as an improvement, just different.    
Electro-Harmonix/New Sensor bad news and a saving grace...
Thanks for this Aric! Will remain in contact.  
Bookshelf speakers with a tube amp?
+1Russ69. Last night I listened to my Aric Audio Transcend amp with a quad of KT120s running in ultralinear producing 40wpc driving my Esoteric MG10s. The MGs are a 6ohm speaker that drops below 4 ohms at one point in the frequency range, also  ra... 
Ifi Zen Streamer plus upgraded power supply - the streamer to beat??
This thread has been valuable to me, thanks!  I also am interested in the iFi stream however having a screen would seem useful.  I've been researching streaming devices and recently procured a Qobuz subscription and playing it through my new apple... 
Does hi-res downloads get any better than this?
Thanks.  Would like to listen to the whole album prior to purchase.  
Tannoy Stirlings on the way!
I have a friend who owns the Heresy's. I agree with your assessment. Their impedance curve is benign however. That is why many(myself included) prefer them driven with tubes. I also have heard other Klipsch speakers and found that their sensitivi... 
Speaker system
Well, maybe a simple answer to a couple questions would help. Are you looking to fill the whole room with high level volume  (as for parties) or wanting to place a system within a listening area (for a more personal presentation for yourself and ... 
Are there speakers that disappear regardless of the recording?
The presentation of solid imaging within a wide and deep soundstage has to be available in the recording. Then it is about the room, room treatments, and best placement of the speakers within. Then it is about the speakers inherent ability to pr... 
Primaluna or Octave to drive Dynaudio X34s
One thing you have going for you regarding the 86dB sensitivity rating is that your room is 10'x12'. (I am assuming feet)  Would your dealer let you try the Octave v70/black box in your home? Possible to take your speakers to the dealer?