
Responses from mesch

Power Amp Question
I once owned the NAD C256BEE. Regarding needing a more powerful amp I have two questions. What is your room size and at what position is the volume knob when listening at loudest levels. In my experience when volume knob for this amp is at the 12:... 
Do you trust your system?
When a particular recording sounds off I blame it on the recording. I have a far greater number that sound wonderful. One must have trust in the system as it interacts with the room. I feel I have that.  Primary faults for me are those that are t... 
Budget DAC recommendation for Office system
Might take grinnell up on his offer to sell the MyDac. I own one I bought used to pair with a headphone amp. Has optical, coax and USB input.  The Schiit Modi3 is also a worthy budget DAC having the same inputs as the MyDac. . I own the Modi2 whi... 
What was the most impactful addition to your system?
@winoguy17 What are your speakers and what floor type?   
Audio nonsense
Regarding the dots maybe in time one at each junction.   
Overpowering my speakers
+1 @mulveling   If you find you have no problem with noise, L-R balance due to over use of attenuation then the additional power need not be a problem.  
Inexpensive speaker cables: any experience?
+1 @jjss49  If wanting to invest time and money into cables start with those closest to the source. Most true with vinyl. Also enjoyed the 'casual lunch' discussion. Two aspects come to mind, profit margin and cliental discretionary income for h... 
DACs and more. Is there a good analog sounding DAC.
I agree that power conditioning for digital components and keeping the power to digital power supplies separate from the analog ones in a system is a benefit towards good sounding digital. Regardless of budget.   
$1000 (used ok) Streamer Dac recommendation please
Lacking a DAC  the latest Bluesound would be a good way to go. Put the remaining $4-500 into DAC piggybank for a future upgrade.  Another option would be to purchase the ifi Zen streamer for $400 and purchase a used DAC. There are many that come ... 
Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject
I believe all is quite variable as to the result depending on how each is accomplished within the context of a single system.  
Tannoy anyone? Cheviot Legacy vs. Stirling GR
As an afterthought, I have had my Sterlings for ~18 months. to listening sessions due to temporal constraints I likely have somewhat less than2 00 hours on them. I wonder about the breakin period.    
Tannoy anyone? Cheviot Legacy vs. Stirling GR
@mulveling  As an owner of the Sterlings I appreciate your information regarding the internal wiring.  Seems like it would not be to difficult to remove the drivers to make repairs if necessary. I wonder if the drivers are available and at what co... 
Thoughts on the iFi Zen Streamer
@dbb Thanks for the additional info. I am anticipating the curve, both with the device and the streaming service.  
Bookshelf Speaker For Outdoors
I have a system I use outdoors. I move it there when in use. Keep it stored indoors. A simple integrated amp with internal DAC and speakers makes setup easy.   
Tube Amp settings: Triode vs UL; 8 ohm vs. 4 ohm ?
I also have those options on my tube amplifier.  In addition to output tube types, and variable feedback/damping. I view it as a wonderful opportunity to explore my personal preferences. Other than the fact that the output tap used will likely be ...