
Responses from melm

Checking azimuth with a DMM or scope, please advise
My advice: use the LP headshell for its azimuth adjustability.  Forget high priced measuring devices.  Your ears should be enough.  Trust them.  Azimuth adjustment is easy to hear, though better in the long run if you had purchased a TT with arm e... 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
@suavek,Through its USB port (but not through its s/pdif) it will support 384K 24/32 bit PCM files. That should cover DXD files, though I have never tried a DXD file myself.See the users manual and complete specs at: 
NYC/NJ Turntable Setup Expert
@elliottbnewcombjr It's been said many times: No good deed goes unpunished. 
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps?
Without comparatively rating any of the preamps mentioned, anyone who talks about "high value" or "best value" MUST include the Freya+. 
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps?
I find the Freya+ quite sturdy.  It is said that the circuit board was made thicker compared to the original Freya.  I believe it.  The sockets seem to grip like any others I have had.In any event, if the sockets are a concern you can use socket e... 
Listening for Proper VTA Setting
Given all the complicated post here, I thought I would chime in. Here is my $.02 keeping in mind that success will depend on stylus shape and the quality of associated components.  Find a recording that people say is good for hearing the differen... 
Moving Classic 1 to Europe?
All VPI belt drive TTs use an AC motor.  The ADS can run on 230 volts DC but needs to be set to do that at the factory (though if you have one and you're electrically handy perhaps they can guide you through it).  It puts out AC voltage, either 12... 
Listening for Proper VTA Setting
There’s a lot of advice on the subject on this board. Do a search on SRA.You don't have to buy any devices. 
speed controller for Lenco or Garrard
I use an Eagle/Roadrunner combo on ny VPI turntable.  It replaced an excellent VPI speed controller.  There is really no comparison in SQ and convenience.  The real beauty of the combo is the set-it-and-forget-it answer to exact, and I mean EXACT,... 
Schiit Freya S or Freya +?
It is normal.  You CAN touch it.  The Freya+ is filled with a lot of components.  Go to the Schiit site and compare the pictures of the Freya+ and Freya S circuit boards.   The Freya S looks almost empty in comparison.  The heat is not from the... 
Old Legendary tubes vs New Kids on the block Amperex/Siemens/Tele vs Psvane/TAD/Shugaung
FWIW I recently bought a pair of old Sylvania chrome dome 6SN7s on Ebay for $35 shipping included.  They were advertised as used.  Low power tubes seem to have a long life.  Stats that I don't understand were given, but enough to demo that they ar... 
i want to send my Oppo 105 to Mod Wright for an upgrade.
No doubt that Modwright will make your Oppo sound very good.  But it's expensive, and putting new money into an older disk-playing machine would be questionable IMO.  There are far better SQ options for spending $2500+ IMO. 
Schiit Freya plus. Is this an upgrade?
The Freya+ is a great sounding preamp; perhaps that's the bottom line, But it is built to a price. I like mine, but here's what I dislike about it:-Factory change to JJ tubes is cost saving measure compared to original Tung Sols. The TSs were give... 
Schiit Freya plus. Is this an upgrade?
@phcollie,I thought all new Freya+ units were being delivered with JJ tubes.  Have they gone back to Tung Sol, or did you just buy a quad?  If you did, did you compare and can you describe the difference between the two brands?  Thanks. 
Is the Modwright for an Oppo udp205 worth it?
@unsound Yes, perhaps so.  But only if you ignore what IMO is the ultimate futility of building up an expensive disk based system.Ripping CDs and SACDs is what everyone will eventually turn to for great convenience and better SQ.  Not to mention d...