
Responses from melm

Question about internet connection to streamer
I did a careful listening test between wi-fi and a very long Cat 5 cable, and the cable was the clear winner.  I now use generic Cat 6 cable.   Bit the dust and made a small  hole in the floor for it.  Learned how to terminate. 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
The DAC has been in my system for about 2 years. I have been mostly an analog guy. Previous tries at digital didn’t get much listening but this DAC does. My analog system is VPI TNT, AT Art-9, three stage all tube (no SUT, no transistor) phono pre... 
Schiit Freya plus. Is this an upgrade?
@recluseThanks for sharing.What amp are you using it with?Are the volume clicks a physical noise, or do they come through the speakers?I've read that the Freya+ gets very warm.  Is it warm enough to be a concern about long term performance life? 
Reference Recordings only doing hybrid cd/sacd now, sad I'm gone.
@georgehifi " . . they are no longer doing 24/96 hdcd PCM only CD's . . "When I ripped a few HDCDs, they are read by my computer as 24/44.1 which is what I I am pretty sure they are, at best.  What is your information?.Also, does anyone make HDCD... 
Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege?
@lewm wrote:" I would point out that the modern trend in the most advanced belt-drive designs is to have an outboard motor controller. A subset of those devices incorporate a feedback mechanism that transmits platter speed errors back to the contr... 
Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege?
Michael Fremer has written, and I agree:"Regulating a direct-drive motor's speed with a phase-locked loop produces tight speed control and measurably low levels of wow and flutter, but the motor's constant, ultra-high-speed hunting and pecking as ... 
OPPO 105; how to beat it and at what price?
My $.02. Rather than modify anything, find yourself a good separate DAC. You have many to choose from and a lot of opinions as well. For the time being, for your PCM music you will use the digital output of your Oppo and play through the separate ... 
Sabre dacs versus other dacs
One can give you the facts. But if you have beliefs that are generated by high retail prices you are at the mercy of the manufacturers.I was writing about the Mytek Brooklyn+ which retails for about $2400. Though Mytek gives its products a USA cac... 
Sabre dacs versus other dacs
Like nonoise says, it's all in the implementation.  You ask about Mytek.  IMO, poor quality low cost power supplies.  Analog chips.  At their prices, not for me. 
how do you know if you need a dac ?
@toyo18How do you know that you need a DAC?  that's easy.I have come the same route, that is, from vinyl.You know you need a DAC when you find that, no matter what you have invested in your digital set-up, you find yourself returning almost all of... 
First Turntable - Direct drive or Belt drive?
@lewm The OP says he wants an LP system that "provides a music experience that excels what my current ARC CD-7 tube CD player could offer."I don't know anything about the OP's DAC except that it costs about $9000.  [I also know that the correlatio... 
First Turntable - Direct drive or Belt drive?
This may not be the answer you want.I am a vinyl lover who has a first rate set-up, I think, and a large record collection.  I also think I'm a critical listener.After many years of being disappointed in digital play-back, I have discovered, in th... 
Confused About Relative Sonic Impact of DAC VS. Transport
The best transport is no transport.  Rip your disks and let your DAC play at its best. 
Sorry to ask this SACD question, but
Jim,The final answer is that you cannot do what you want to do with the units you have.The license from Sony for SACD prohibits a digital output (as for into an external DAC) except for digital output through an HDMI cable to a device (like the Br... 
Considering a new SACD Player
@yyzsantabarbara If you're not familiar with ripping SACDs, do a search.  There's a lot of information out there.  Google is your friend.  To answer directly the needed software is from Sonore and is free.  But you need to know more than that.