
Responses from melm

New Schiit Freya or used Conrad Johnson PV-10AL/BL, or?
FWIW, the Freya Plus punches way above its $900 price point. It has been compared by users to much more expensive units. Unfortunately, IMO it requires more than the 15 day return period of normal use to fully break in its circuit and tubes. Perha... 
Looking to improve CD playback
The best transport is no transport.  I suggest a different route, but it may take some work.  Rip your CDs.  Ultimately, better SQ and unbelievable convenience. 
DAC It Out Shootout August 24th Saturday, 11-3pm Scottsdale, AZ
The original thread:  
What are your favorite DSD albums?
Are you including SACDs or only downloads? 
Chord Qute Ex an improvement to my Oppo 105's DAC?
I cannot comment on the Chord unit you mentioned.  But I am an Oppo 105 owner, also with an analog rig costing several times the Oppo.  So I have gone through the process you are anticipating.  A separate DAC that will far outperform the one in th... 
Separate DAC or continue using the Oppo UDP-205
The DAC chip in the Oppo is very good.  However the DAC implementation in the Oppo cannot compare to many modern separate DACs.  There has been a whole industry built up just to make the Oppo DAC sound better.  But you can do far better for your m... 
What is the Best Tool to Measure Cartridge Azimuth?
@lewm For a long time I set it at horizontal and let it go at that.  Using an AT Art 9 I felt very comfortable with that, as the more expensive ATs are probably more carefully aligned than lower volume cartridges.  I was enjoying my analogs.  Usin... 
Worth pursuing analog sound from digital?
@millercarbon,No need to get angry here.  I think I have achieved parity with a modestly priced, and virtually unknown--hence no hype, very slightly modified Chinese DAC.  I love my analog gear: old and highly modified VPI TNT with a three stage a... 
Worth pursuing analog sound from digital?
Yes, and it need not cost a fortune. Read everything you can here and elsewhere and stay away from the big, expensive, heavily advertised, brands.  But this discussion should be moved out of "analog." 
What is the Best Tool to Measure Cartridge Azimuth?
Have we become so enamored with technology that we have neglected the best tool: our EARS?First, it is easiest to set azimuth if you have a tone arm that makes it easy.  Generally the VPI tonearms do NOT make it easy unless you use the dual pivot.... 
Speaker Spikes and related items....
You might look into Superspikes: and relatively inexpensive solution for wooden floors.  They supply many different threads. 
DAC Event in Phoenix AZ August 24th
Thank you very much for holding this demonstration and for your reporting of it.  It's going to be one of the more popular readings on this site.I would add my voice to that of toneranger58 and inquire about the tracks.My second question is about ... 
VPI Uni-Pivit Tone Arms
I am partial to the single bearing arm.  It allows, as does none other, for an effectively friction-less bearing.  When I moved to a 3D arm wand, I discovered that I HAD to change the lower bearing as the old one (with the cup) did not work with t... 
DAC Event in Phoenix AZ August 24th
@prighelloAnything you can tell us about the event? 
Will adding an external DAC to my setup improve SQ significantly?
@gadiosWill the results of the Arizona DAC shootout be published on-line?