
Responses from melm

Azimuth 2020
Ii don't think the korfaudio article says very much.  For example: "Consequently, any tonearm that does not have azimuth adjustment is severely deficient".  I would say that if it doesn't have an EASY adjustment it is defective.In my experience th... 
Azimuth 2020
@cleeds,"Your claim can only be accurate if the pickup arm (or turntable) itself is not "true." That is, the arm cannot be raised or lowered while also remaining absolutely perpendicular to the turntable platter.Or perhaps, like mijostyn, you don... 
Azimuth 2020
@cleeds,"VTA and azimuth are two completely independent angles."  Only with a tangential tonearm, not with a pivoted, offset, one.  The effect may be minor, depending on the degree of offset, but it's there. 
Azimuth 2020
It's interesting when one compares "industrial" cartridges with hand-made ones.  Generally speaking the industrial ones like Audio Technica, for example, will usually line up symmetrically very well and generally better than the hand-made ones.Wit... 
Azimuth 2020
@fuzztone, You don’t need Puffin. You don’t need a test record. People have been doing it essentially that way for decades.All you need is any old mono record. You flip the wires on one channel of your cartridge. You are then playing the mono reco... 
Azimuth 2020
@fuzztone"there is a new kid on the block that DOES give you crosstalk figures in .1 db"  And who is that?  Did I miss something?  Thanks. 
VPI Speed Controller
You say you have a "very old SDS."  Some VERY old VPI speed controllers are not SDSs. So what do you have exactly?Were it up to me I would prefer an old SDS to the more recent ADS units.The best controller you can buy for the VPI is sold by SOTA a... 
Add an external DAC. Make my Oppo UDP-205 a true top player
@jagYou write: "btw, the LKS is no longer available"  But I see it is available from Amazon,, shenzhenaudio and various ebay sellers.  How did you come to this conclusion.  And why?Also the LKS mini dac (similar but just one DAC chip) f... 
Add an external DAC. Make my Oppo UDP-205 a true top player
Did I say discrete jpeg?  It's been a long day:  Discrete JFET. 
Add an external DAC. Make my Oppo UDP-205 a true top player
Agree that a separate DAC is a much better deal than an expensive mod of your Oppo. My Oppo is a 105 and I chose an LKS MH-DA004. Monster linear power supply, dual DAC chips, 3 femtoclocks, discrete jpeg analog stage and built like a brick. About ... 
Is VTA and SRA the same thing?
There is so much incorrect info here, and now on the setting of correct SRA that I hope I will be forgiven for repeating an old post on the subject: Here is my $.02 keeping in mind that success will depend on stylus shape and the quality of assoc... 
Is VTA and SRA the same thing?
Strictly speaking the VTA is the angle made by the stylus tip to the cantilever attachment to the cartridge. It is a bit different than the angle of the cantilever itself.   The SRA is the angle that the stylus rake makes with the recording.  It c... 
OPPO 105 as a streaming source/transport only
I also have an Oppo 105. I stream my rips from a NAS to a very simple laptop running JRiver and then directly to my separate LKS DAC. The Oppo is not involved. For a while I used wifi between my router and the laptop. To hardwire I would have to d... 
Schiit Freya+ vs. high end (e.g., Mcintosh) ?
"Still, from what folks here have said, it can take some time for tubes to burn in. Would 15 days be enough time to really know how it sounds with your stuff?"Actually it would not be enough, especially if you want to roll tubes and see what this ... 
Cartridge azimuth adjustment using a voltmeter and a test lp
@sdrsdrsdr Yes it's zenith.  I had become used to referring to it as horizontal tracking angle.  Of course it is setting that (HTA/zenith) and overhang at the same time.I am completely indifferent as to what affects a Fozgometer.  I think using de...