
Responses from melm

Music Server vs PC confused
@gwestraThe Oppo can be used as a renderer, My JRiver running on a laptop recognizes it as a DNLA player. I would suppose that foobar would as well.  I have used the spdif output.  Of course, as usual, spdif won't pass .dsf files. 
Does Anyone Currently Make an Ethernet to I2S Renderer?
Thank you for the responses. It's been eye opening.  Of these the least expensive by far is the Empirical at $3000. That’s more than I care to spend now.There are so few DACs with I2S inputs, I suppose, so that the market is very small for this va... 
Anyone heard Schiit's Aegir?
With all the publicity about this amplifier, including an unprecidented Class A Stereophile rating for an $800 amplifier, I am curious as to why this amplifier seems never to have been reviewed (or allowed to be reviewed) "professionally" in its b... 
Does Anyone Currently Make an Ethernet to I2S Renderer?
Thanks for the info.  But IIUC the  Matrix Audio X-SPDIF 2 USB Interface does exactly what my Amanero board in the DAC does converting the USB to I2S.  Apparently there were a couple of Sonore products, now discontinued that provided the function... 
Stockfisch DMM Dubplate LP
"With the DMM-Dubplate, the wear-rate of the diamond-stylus is comparable to when playing a regular vinyl record."Do you believe that?  I don't.  And very soon it will ride over oxide.A $$$ joke.  Wait for the great reviews from those who get it f... 
Azimuth 2020
"PDM-1 by Sperling Audio" and it's only $2026.    
The very best sound: Direct to Disc
@rvpianoIIRC he did not pair with Sax to produce RR disks.  RR and Sax's company, Sheffield Records, were competitive.  At one time time, later in the LP era, they did collaborate in a series of 3 classical LPs recorded in Russia for the Sheffield... 
Cartridge for vpi Aries scout with jmw9 tonearm
You might as well ask what cartridge do you use and do you like it.  The VPI arms are compatible with almost any cartridge out there.    You might also want to consider using the VPI second pivot accessory.  If you do some looking you might find t... 
The very best sound: Direct to Disc
Just for completeness, it should be mentioned that the first two Telarc releases were D2D. There was a recording of the Cleveland Orchestra, and an organ recital by Michael Murray. I’d have to go back and listen to them, but I do not recall the Cl... 
VPI Speed Controller
Other posts are correct, the SDS is better than the newer ADS.  The ADS is cheaply made and has been the subject of many complaints.However, you seem to be aiming for high performance.  If you want the very best, SOTA sells a motor-controller-road... 
Buying a new TT today
I start with 2 positions that some folks will disagree with. For analog reproduction the turntable is the most important purchase. And, at a given price point (anywhere near what you would like to spend), a belt drive will provide better SQ than a... 
Azimuth 2020
@cleeds "If the pickup arm’s pivot angle is perpendicular to the offset"What is a pivot angle and how can an angle be perpendicular to anything?  I fear you are in over your head.  Just as well that this matter be dropped. 
Azimuth 2020
@cleeds "When I stated that azimuth is a completely different angle than VTA and that adjusting one doesn’t alter the other, I should have added "in a properly designed, manufactured and installed pickup arm." I’ll be more careful with that next t... 
I finally get it!
oldears has got it right. A 1 mm difference in pivot point can easily be accounted for by any protractor with the exception of the expensive "arc" ones that are adjusted to the theoretical distance rather than the actual distance.Theoretics aside,... 
Higher sample rate than 16 bit redbook
Upsampling can be done easily in software.  I use the function within JRiver.  But it can be had in free software.  You don't have to buy any hardware.