
Responses from melm

Signal chain DAC question
If it comes out of the balanced ICs, then it's the Oppo DAC. The HDMI carries digital, not analog. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
For Rameau you might want to try the disk:Une Symphonie Imaginaire conducted by Minkowski 
Happy with digital, but thinking about vinyl--looking for system specific recommendations
Here’s some advice you haven't asked for. I’ve been doing this for a long time--in vinyl and in digital.However vinyl and digital start out at affordable levels, as you go up the chain, and do it right in each case, they do converge in SQ IMO. I h... 
Honest question about cartridge vs. turntable performance.
The turntable is the thing.  Fine turntable and modest cartridge easily outperform the reverse. 
Allo Digione Signature + LPS vs. Berkeley Alpha USB to SPDIF Converter?
Interesting thread. Thank you for your impressions. But I would have the same question. The conventional wisdom is that on a DAC of your quality, the USB input outperforms the spdif.But one never knows in audio. On the advice of someone I respect ... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
That Ravel recording is by Monteux, remastered version.  Sorry for the omission. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I’m a classical music lover who just found this thread, as I’ve come to the site over the years for hardware info. To get acquainted I went through a bunch of posts randomly. I see that there is a great love of solo piano music in these parts.My o... 
Why Do 12" Tonearms Cost So Much More Than 9"?
12 inch arms have less offset, so skating settings less critical--or use none at all (VPI).  They produces less distortion throughout the recording, though the difference is small, than shorter arms.  Once set for optimum SRA they change less than... 
Usage of the Intona USB Isolator
The Intona USB Isolator can be used anywhere along a USB connection going from a USB A connector to a USB B connector. Normally its best use is at the end of the line, that is, the last connection of USB to the DAC. It isolates the DAC from noise ... 
Most organic / real / analogue sounding DAC (ideally with Volume Control) for $1500??????
Everyone may tell you that the DAC they own does the trick, and that’s why they own it.I will too. The $1500 L.K.S. (Chinese brand-ships everywhere).  Do a search. It gives me the same pleasure as my very much more expensive analog TT set-up.But j... 
VPI HW-19 or VPI Traveler
Lithium grease has been used on the inverted bearing,  I don't recall seeing it recommended for the non-inverted bearing.  Mobil 1 is fine.  I have also used the synthetic variety of Slick 50.Upon the recommendation of the tech who repaired my TNT... 
Stylus shape?
The Shibata and microline styli have the most potential as they meet the groove with very narrow horizontal profiles, closer to that of the original cutting head. The Shibata was developed initially to track perfectly the 44kHz carrier wave of the... 
VPI HW-19 or VPI Traveler
Regarding the bearings. It will probably play reasonably well if the owner took care of it by changing the bearing oil, generally every 5 years or so.The original question related to "new condition." If you want to assure that the table is playing... 
VPI HW-19 or VPI Traveler
Bearings wear out.  You have to take the bearing apart, remove the bottom with the thrust plate, wipe everything clean, and have a look.Not doing that is like buying a good looking used car without lifting the hood.And there’s no odometer.But, hey... 
VPI HW-19 or VPI Traveler
You haven't given a lot of information about the HW-19, including the platter that's on it.   You say it is in new condition.  The only thing that really matters is the bearing.  It needs to be inspected.  Given the age of the unit, it is likely t...