
Responses from mechans

Why leave feedback if the Audiogon team is just going to remove it?
Hey , hold on here,I like the forums, nothing wrong with that. If you don't that's OK too, don't read them. 
Short Lifetime for 6NS7 Tubes
I have always noted that the old NOS 6SN7 GTs have a strong tendency towards microphonia.  The fact that you have been free of it in those tubes for extended periods is exceptional. You may be forced to use current production to get what you want.... 
Impedance matching device
Most tube buffers will help with impedance mismatches. They are buffers.  As Almarg was saying a buffer stage may help.  Most seem to think their purpose is to add tube flavor.  I don't think they do, my view is that a tube system excels at imaging. 
Tube rolling my preamp with 6922EH
NOS 6922 Amperex US made White label. My favorite.  One option available now is the current production Russian  Gold Lion 6922.  Easy, accessible, match able,  reliable and warm leaning sonics. 
A speaker that looks like a driver or a driver that looks like a speaker?
Isn't commercial advertising prohibited in the forums.@ OP  If you ask for opinions you have to be ready to accept some negative ones. 
interconnects vs speaker cables vs power cords - which make the biggest difference?
 They all count but the power cable least I'm sorry but it is just my experience.  Thinking about it, it wa the best cable that made the difference and they were interconnects at the time Cardas Gold Refs used . 
Cables for Focal 1008be2
Are they labeled 'Focal'  or 'JM' I never heard them or of them.  It could have saved me some serious money.I think cables do have an impact on sound.  If that 'impact' is acceptable then why not. It doesn't have to expensive! 
Cables for Focal 1008be2
I own Focal speakers, and recommend a good all copper wire.  I use a Jena lab braid on the small side I picked  up used.  I like them, but I think you would be even happier if you could find some used Cardas cables, except the clear or whatever th... 
Protective plastic bag for shipping electronics
There is a product called "press and seal" by Glad, which actually seals air tight. It is not clear like cling so you might want to go with the cling for aesthetic reasons.  Otherwise it is remarkable stuff, I use it now for all my plastic wrap ne... 
Why leave feedback if the Audiogon team is just going to remove it?
  I have bought hundreds of tubes not so many cables. Sometimes I get a bad tube.  I refuse to pass these tubes along to the next guy like a lot of people and this may be the case here.   I just leave no feedback at all.  I don't care for the adve... 
Kurashima 2a3 integrated vs. Triode Labs 2a3
I don't know but I looked up the Kurashima web site and it is impressive all hand built, he  even makes the tubes! I don't know if I would like the tube always lit up like it is red plating however.  It was very cool though.  I think he must charg... 
Just Ordered New Speakers
How would you describe the GE sound compared with other speakers? 
$5,000 to spend for analog front end - advice please...:)
VPI could have a "turn key" table.  I bought a Scout, with their arm, and a preinstalled Dynavector 20X HO  MC cartridge.  Not sure if they have better or upscale table/arm/cartridge systems, but I would check it out. You may want the speed contro... 
PMC Fact 3 with hegel h160 or accuphase 350
Accuphase has an especially rich full mellifluous tone that the Hegel does not.  Hegel leans in that direction but isn't close. If you like a more analytical sound that is not a bad thing. 
Help me get started again. Tube amp...
I don't know if anyone has mentioned Prima Luna from Kevin Deal.   They have been very popular and come in a  few price points.  I would imagine that a used one would be accessible to you.