
Responses from mechans

why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Because sometimes it makes the music sound better.  It's really not complicated.  Not always BTW, sometimes. 
Best speakers for my MC225 under $2000
Heritage Klipsch have a special synergy with McIntosh.  
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
Keep both if you can. They won't get any cheaper or less scarce in the future.  
Help me decide – Revel or Focal
In the cool light of dawn,  I must say that while the reward great, it took way too much work to make the Electra 936s,  I still own, sound great.  A tube pre with remarkable an AE 3 with Sylvania 6SN7WS into amps with Tung Sol 5687s and a very sp... 
Atma-sphere amps best power tubes
@ bigboltz. Does the UV-1 transmit the character of the 6SN7S  really well when you roll them? 
Please help a rookie –used amps for magnepan 3.7?
I guess you decided on tube amps again.  Not sure the best for Magggies but you need a lot of juice.  Did you consider the Sanders  amps made for just these kind of speakers. Price may be prohibitive, perhaps buy used?? If still made.? Aside from ... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
5 years ago, who knows what happened,  I pause even imagining. 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
Did you get the Mullards?   The sound is distinctly different from the Telefunkens.  Usually described as warm.Western Electric tubes are imbued with some c kind of tube magic,or at least that is the common belief. I own  a special variant of the ... 
Atma-sphere amps best power tubes
It's a very interesting combination of input tubes . Obviously highly amp specific. If you want clean crisp almost SS sound from a 6SN7 try  old stock Hytrons, avoid the CBS Hytron. 
Power conditioner
Ultimately we listen to manipulated power. That said, you might want to let your very high quality power transformers do the job of handing off the power they were engineered  to pass on to the rest of the circuitry in your fine gear. 
What are the best speakers for 80's hard rock?
I thought I wrote this already but can't find it. Atmasphere is correct.The best speakers are the speakers You like the best.  Period. That said run Big old Cerwin Vegas and some Klipsch Hereseys simultaneously add a sub and you are off to the races. 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
I have tried a large number of  various 6SN7S in a several different circuits and have found the GT compatible.  I have a great deal of respect for Almarg and his engineering approach to system compatibility but my experience differs.  That said I... 
Tube Physics Question
I think it was Nelson Pass who said or made famous the phrase "If the first watt is not good  why would you want many more of them?" Or 100s more of them etc. The answer to your question can be ascertained by looking up the parameters available fr... 
Tubeyist sounding Pre-amp?
A remarkable thread so much truth spoken. Agree strongly that most modern  tube pre amps sound is, fast, clean clear,  not rolled off or syrupy- unless you want them to be !  Cut to the chase, I recommend the AE-3 by a division of Cary.  They are ... 
Heard of Soltanus Acoustics ESL Virtuoso ?
I stumbled upon this because of Sancho.  I guess I didn't want to argue at the time but Brooklyn still only has 13 posts, and had not been posting routinely since 00.  What is the policy on advertising anyway ?