
Responses from mechans

CDP Repair or Replace? Seeking advice Please
I am confused if you are only using it as a DAC why bother with a new laser etc. ?. Unless that assembly has the DAC in it? Like many others have said there are many new DACs to choose from or just use the Sony for discs. 
Tube Preamp Recommendations?
Whats your budget? Like gdnrbob I also like the 6SN7 pre amps I own a little AE-3 , sadly no longer in production but the Atmasphere is. I don’t know what the price is but it may be affordable new..I must say your list of possibilities is long is ... 
Mcintosh Question- Looking for feedback
I second tkalali thoughts regarding which speaker you use it with.  I own Klipsh LaScalas circa 1978.  With most every other I own ,several  including tube amps and integrated SS and tube they are dry and squwacky  (a new but accurate descriptor) ... 
Helps me with long term system development.
I think that you should pick your speakers first and foremost.  The speaker has a very big impact on the voice of your system .  I am not going to tell you which manufacturer to go with because the sound you prefer is extremely subjective.   Which... 
What experience have you had with 5814a Tubes?
I have used 5814s on occasion and find them to very well balanced in terms of frequency extension and having a clear strong voice (that's a good thing).  I know I tried several others but none were as good as the RCA.My preference is still to use ... 
Various power cables, which would you put where?
I agree with auxinput entirely. 
Random question/ thoughts about stuff for sale here
to the OP , the seller may find that the component for sale doesn't work well in his system for any variety of reasons.  That doesn't mean that it won;t work in your system, In fact it might be the magic you are looking for.  The vast , vast major... 
List of artists that have never lost quality throughout entire career
..Louis Armstrong as mentioned briefly.Several great classical musicians e.g. Pablo Casals 
Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?
Thanks for the info. 
I need a good Preamp
BTW wemfan, Atmaspere makes a simple 6SN7 based preamp that can include a  phonostage  (MM I think"?).  You can always pickup a MC stage.  You know Graham Slee makes affordable excellent phono stages. I own the Gram amp 2 SE, its great.  No financ... 
How often do you clean cables? And which types do you clean most often?
When I was a kid I was told by friends that if a dog licks a wound it will heal faster. I asked my physician father if that was true. He replied "and pig sh#t is even better!" So perhaps we should get some pig feces and dip our cables in it! 
Tube Life Artifacts
You really should get those Mullards or whatever Philips brand you have hidden in your basement.  The Mullards are really good sounding if you like a warmish signature.   In addition  true NOS command serious money these days. 
Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?
How much does a Gumby cost ? 
Tube Life Artifacts
I still think it prudent to get some new output tubes.  That family of tubes run hard, and even with limited use, it's time.  he tap test, no matter how widely used , even by some dealers, isn't a good test. Even the gentle focused tap test isn't ... 
How often do you clean cables? And which types do you clean most often?
Someone should start a professional cable termination, component socket and tube pin cleaning service.  Perhaps a franchise to cover as much territory as possible. So you send a van a guy or women in a jumpsuit with logos, fully armed with the bes...