
Responses from mechans

Budget Audiophile Looking For Amplifier Suggestions
A 12 year old Krell is now at that price point.   My philosophy in buying used is to buy the best you can, not buy budget gear used.  If buying bang for your buck stuff,  buy new. 
Budget Audiophile Looking For Amplifier Suggestions
Surprised no one mentioned Krell's class A biased amps, I once wanted one. 
Why does it take so many hours to brea in arc preamps and amps?
In the final analysis all we can listen to is manipulated power. But it is manipulated power,  be certain of that. Is it even possible to listen to precisely the same signal every time, even if we wanted to?Conversely could we possibly hear margin... 
Wishing you a speedy recovery.  I too have been recovering from recent surgery. Can't wait to get back to my system.  Very very soon I am told yeah and hallelujah.Sorry no knowledge of about soot. 
Oppo 105D high frequencey sizzling issue anyone help me suggesting a mod that i can do or?
You said that you isolated the issue to the sound board,  but previously noted that an interconnect change helped, with some sacrifice.  I wonder if you just don't like the nature of the treble emanating from this player?  
Budget Audiophile Looking For Amplifier Suggestions
Whatever you do get the very best you can possibly afford stretch if you have to.  Great old gear is great stuff. Mediocre becomes. ....,This is a golden rule of buying used and older things.  Think in terms of the best gear you can, go from there... 
Equipment Stand
I understand your appreciation for your design motif and unfortunately have no suggestions regarding the stand cabinet etc.  But would suggest that  you to use thick wood slabs of maple as the actual shelf your gear sits on via brass points. 
Best Cable Match for: Creek 4330SE + Rega Apollo + Vandersteen 2C
All these brands are less important than the metal that's in them. Do you want more of the sound style you have?? Or do you want a change?? For same, stay with good copper.   For change, get Silver cables. 
Noise in one channel
Yes send them the receiver immediately! !! 
Where is the optimal place to have an interface between two different metals?
Maybe I missed this, but people have had their gear welded directly to the wall receptacle copper to copper for years. Try a search of the forums.The answer is no interface.I am trying to go copper to copper. . 
Why does it take so many hours to brea in arc preamps and amps?
My .02$, elements within tubes do change with use.   Frequently this is perceived as a diminution of harsh, hard, bright and othee unpleasant qualities. It shouldn't take a billion hours to get rid of this, sometimes only 60 hours, but more is typ... 
Help me decide – Revel or Focal
I forgot to address Ricreds  question.   They take a very long time. Really never without the right synergy. But at least 1 to 2 weeks just as a start then they improve for months.  
Best speakers for my MC225 under $2000
Have you tweaked the amp to have a certain sound ? 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Yes I should have said that the OP in all of these type threads, has an obligation to announce their final choice! 
Signal Cable -- High End Generic?
If they're still in business in 2017 that is testimony re the quality itself.I can't recall where they are, never mind the sound now.