
Responses from magfan

tube watts vs transistor watts?
What role does phase angle play in your analysis, Al? I would ordinarily associate the 'wild impedance swings' mentioned with large phase shifts, as well.Tube stuff, I'm told, doesn't like certain reactive loads.....Capacitive? Inductive? 
o-ring size for 12AX7 & AT7 dampers?
How hot do these tubes get? Silicon will only take so much.... Other elastomers can take more heat. EP, for example....'snug' is good, apparently. I have DowCorning Silicon StopCock grease, a white/clear grease used to lubricate O-rings.....VERY s... 
Buzzing from speakers. Where is it coming from?
Has the conditioner absorbed a few 'zaps'? Can you swap it out for something.....anything else? Ear-up-to-tweeter noise? Most people would ignore that, I'm afraid. If it responds to vol control, it is 'part' of the Pioneer. As to if it is 'defecti... 
Not loving my cambridge 740C
I run my 840c with Mogami balanced. Not expensive, maybe even 'budget', but I won't go back.....I think it is the 'Gold' microphone 6 foot. 
solid state vs tubes
MrTennis,As a long time Magnepan guy, part of your issue with the 1.6s may be more setup than the speaker itself. At one point I was tweaking the toe every couple days. Bad image here or too bright or whatever.Finally, in reading around, I found o... 
solid state vs tubes
Good / Bad designs of both exist. It may not be easy to compare, though since speakers won't be best electrical match for both at the same time.Best SS designs tolerate some reactive loads better than tubes. So, if you compare 'best-to-best', you ... 
Buzzing from speakers. Where is it coming from?
I'm sorry, At this point I don't know what is or isn't connected to what! My bad.Let me see if I've got this straight.Mac's only to speakers. No problem?How much hissing from Pioneer? Does it change with vol? How far away can you hear it at quiet ... 
Tweaking the Magnepan 1.7s
Utley,You may want to try 'em all 4 ways........Tweeters can go in or out....with a simple side-to-side swap.Than you can 'rotate' them in place and do it again. Personally? Not that it matters to you or your situation, I find tweeters IN and myla... 
This is no joke.
Kij,I've been a student of humor ever sense I went to the big house. Yep, the punatentiary. Jokes are a form of performance art and best suited to someone conscience of the audience and how joke/performer/audience interact.On this forum? All audio... 
This is no joke.
M Never yelled at 'em, and certainly would never declaw. The butcher shop cat liked a certain rug while the orange tabby loved a couple trees out back. They both ignored the scratch post I built for 'em. I think they scent mark thru the paws and u... 
This is no joke.
Please leave the dead-cat stuff for somewhere else. MY cats respected my Magnepans for well over 20 years. 
Tweaking the Magnepan 1.7s
I read the 1.7 manual on the magnepan website. Tweeters in! you bet!Mylar front is how they come.....which puts the connection panel in back, safely out of tripping range and sight.I'd try it both ways....ALL 4, actually, since you can either do a... 
New Maggie 1.7 owner, amp ?
Whether you like the NAD house sound, or NOT, you can't argue with system synergy.......which presumably an all-NAD system should have. 
Have Maggie 1.6s, looking to switch it up.
As my help fee, please remit 10% of what you probably saved to the charity of your choice!Enjoy your 'new' Magnepans. 
This is no joke.
backwave diffusion thru the array?As for sandbags, I made tripod weights (I'm a serious photogrpaher) out of 20 oz. coated (waterproof) pack cloth. It is available in colors to fit many decors, too. I cut a strip and with the coated side OUT, I do...