
Responses from magfan

Logitech Squeezebox Touch DAC: How Good?
Can either the 'Touch or SB be run as wireless clients without internet access or a wireless router?I connect to internet with wires, but turn on my Airport in the confuser when I want to stream music to my AirPort Express...... 
S.O.S. on Windows 7 Media Player 12
I bailed on Gates/ Windows after XPpro. Went over to the dark side and MAC. Vista was / is a giant step backwards. Kind of like what they did with WindowsME after '98. You seem pretty angry, so all I can add is that if you don't like Windows Media... 
What is the point of point source?
A point source speaker implies a perfectly uniform spherical dispersion. No instruments have such output. No microphones can record it, either. Stan, above, started with the idea of the size of a radiator being related to its directivity but didn'... 
Negative Feedback a deal killer?
I've lost track of what B&O makes. Here is link to ASP module....I suspect as used in my PSAudio GCC series integrated::The data sheet lists 50v and 80v outputs...with which to feed the extra, non power supply equipped modules. The 80v is list... 
Negative Feedback a deal killer?
Atmo / Kij,Processing your replys now........and they agree generally with what I had heard, which is why I brought it up.Talking about feedback without qualification doesn't help a lot.I also have felt that the B&O 'd' offerings have more in ... 
Negative Feedback a deal killer?
I haven't read every post in this thread, but has anyone mentioned GLOBAL vs single stage feedback? global, from output to input while other designs apply feedback at a single stage or a stage-at-a-time.I can understand the time dependent nature o... 
Class "D" amp? I do not have a clue. Do you?
One other 'd' player I've NOT seen mentioned.International Rectifier has several 'd' amps out there. I've got a reference sample for test. I need to build a power supply so I need a transformer / caps / rectifier for a basic one. 
has anyone used the new apple tv unit
Peter,You can wirelessly stream vid and audio from your confuser to your TV/HT/stereo. I do so in 'client' mode which means I don't even need a wireless network to do so. Downside? Well, it IS only 720p. That isn't too bad, after you consider that... 
Radio Shack SPL Meter mods corrections
RS makes or made both an analogue and a digital meter.....I don't know part #s.The analogue meter is the match for the Rives disk. 
Radio Shack SPL Meter mods corrections
RIVES has a CD which is corrected for the RS analogue meter. 
Tweaking the Magnepan 1.7s
Yeah, Josh, I was being a stinker. The company I worked for and Vishay had a couple million dollar disagreement, so I'm not big on Vishay products.....Now, about those awful jumpers.The ones on my 1.6s are MAGNETIC, which as near as I can tell mea... 
Amp's nominal power rating - any use?
Couple of points....and some agreement.Yes, phase and impedance ARE frequency dependent.I think the main take-away would be that a large phase angle coupled with an impedance dip is an amp stresser....(is that a word?)Also.....and I don't remember... 
Amp's nominal power rating - any use?
Irv,I just reread my response and will pretty much stand by it.Just for an unreal example, a phase angle of 90degrees will result in ZERO power making it to the load. Using the 4foot fluorescent tube next to my workstation as an example, it draws ... 
subwoofer cable question
Any decent cable should work fine.If you use speaker level to sub, you could probably even get away with magnet wire....if you didn't use sub in 'pass thru' mode.If an issue exists, it is that you shouldn't be worried about capacitance on a sub ca... 
Tweaking the Magnepan 1.7s
Josh,Doesn't a wirewound rheostat have enough inductance to change things.....and not necessarily for the better?