
Responses from magfan

Amp/Pre-amp for Magnepan 1.7
You may get dozens of answers and half that many equipment recommendations. For low $$, you may hear Rotel or Emotiva recommended. for lots more $$, some like the 'd' amp, Spectron. Or the 'd' amp Bel Canto monos. Krell? on the list. Bryston? Abso... 
How many 'listen outside of the box' design?
I don't know what they are called, exactly, but does anyone use regular cone speakers without enclosure? 'Open Baffle'? is that right? A line source using say.....the Audience driver would be something I'd love to hear. No crossover using fullrang... 
How many 'listen outside of the box' design?
I've been a Magnepan owner since the early '80s when I bought some pre-owned MG-1s. As impressed today, with my 1.6s, as I was then..... 
Trade- off, power SS vs tube magic.
I wish you could 'leave the speakers out of it'. Sorry, no can do. What you get as sound is not just 'amp' or 'speaker', but the combo. Happy combo makes good sound. mating a speaker with hi impedance swings and huge phase angles on even the best ... 
Magneplanar 1.7 and low power/tube amps
The ICE amp I have is rated at 35 or 40 amps.....don't 'member.don't forget, you've got what....a 4 amp fuse? If at the 12 amps, the voltage of the amp has sagged to 12 volts, that's still just 144 watts....I'd hope some amp guru type will drop by... 
Phillips CDM-1 CD transport/sled
Are these toothed belts, similar to gilmer belts used in camshaft drives in cars? I don't know, but I'd find the vendor/ manufacturer. I've tried Phillips before, needing a laser assembly for my (antique) FD-1000 player of 25+ years. Or , are th... 
Magneplanar 1.7 and low power/tube amps
I've MEASURED my Maggies with a DVM. Not the most accurate, but carefully watching I can catch the PEAK voltage go by. Based on that, I add 20% for meter latency and use 4.5 ohms to compute power. For my 1.6s, at mid-loud / comfortable, I've never... 
Imdoc wrote:: 'I am more bothered by inappropriate sounds, hums, etc' What makes you think the 'cure' is a crossover? If that is the case, you've got more problems than a new crossover can fix. System ground OK? No loose window frames? Any wacky n... 
Magneplanar 1.7 and low power/tube amps
BETTER generally trumps MORE.You decide where the equities lie.If you don't play at nosebleed levels, you may just do well with <100 watt tubes. 
Great 16 ohm Full Range loudspeakers
A local SD company makes Audience speakers.The writeup in the local rag is pretty neat with some photos. Crossoverless, full range line array standing about 6' tall for 'only' 54,000$ and the 2 speaker bookshelf version for a mere 5 grand. No matt... 
System pairing
If you like that 'style' of speaker, and Ribbons, I'd suggest a test listen to some 3-series Magnepan. And with the Maggies, while the Pass works very well, you may like the Bryston 4bsst2, brand new-latest. I am told that Magnepan uses Bryston as... 
Optimizing Magnepan MMGW On Wall Speakers
Yes, good advice above.I'd think that corner loading and a slightly higher crossover would be helpful.Also, I've noted on my 1.6s that I actually prefer the sound from the pole piece side of the panel, rather than the mylar side. This is opposite ... 
Best Late Night Low Volume Speaker
I see what you mean, Rrog, but you know, if the room is DEAD silent, the level needed for good sound decreases dramatically. Late at night, when I can hear a single car pass on the main street 3 blocks away, that is when you can hear far into the ... 
Digital Amps vs Solid State Amps
I'm thinkin' thats the one. My friend built one from a kit. It was really small......certainly smaller than cigar box size. The same guy later helped CLOSE Zilog up in Idaho after working there for over a decade. They closed maybe 4 or 5 years ago... 
Getting FM broadcast on phono mode
Don't know for sure, but the filter suggestion sounds like something RatShack could help with?