
Responses from magfan

Will Graphene replace Mylar?
Today, we will have trouble imagining where this stuff is going? A material with these properties can be used in ways we simply can't imagine.Cone replacement material? Think bigger. The 'ultimate' ribbon tweeter? Likely.A mylar-less Magnepan? If ... 
Amp's nominal power rating - any use?
Amps are rated into resistive loads which says next to nothing about how they do into a reactive real world speaker.I would propose that amps be rated into 8 and 4 ohm resistors....Than at the same 2 impedances into +-45 degree reactive loads.The ... 
Will Graphene replace Mylar?
If this is a graphite / carbon long chain, it is possible that it is a conductor or semiconductor.....(properties of both insulator and conductor...) like silicon or germanium. Generally these are 'metaloids'....the elements between metals and non... 
Are Headphone amps worth the expense?
Aren't there special recordings made for headphone listening?I think they are called binaural and are made with microphones in the ear positions of some kind of artificial head. Am I mixing this up with something else?Didn't the Carver Sonic Holoc... 
Are Headphone amps worth the expense?
Are you into DIY? Try building a CMOY headphone amp. Strictly low cost and fun. The good news is you can than 'roll opamps' and test the different ones available.I use OPA2134s as a good compromise. Very good amp when properly built. Not as good a... 
solid state vs tubes
This thread is one of those no-win threads. Like a 'what is best' thread. No single answer. I'll probably never own a system better than I've got now, unless I win the lottery or somebody tosses me the key and alarm codes to the local fantasy land... 
How to replace B&W 805s top tweeter
I don't mean to be critical or a jerk, but you've got a problem.....Nails don't unscrew?How much extra does the store want to change this part? 20$ means its pretty easy, while 50$+ could mean it's more difficult. On a serious note, can B&W he... 
solid state vs tubes
I suspect, but don't know that the differences between current source and voltage source amps....and the speakers they go BEST with would preclude a single system with 'plug in the amp' testing the highest level. As near as I unders... 
Tweaking the Magnepan 1.7s
Sure? Why not a pair of 1 1/2 ohm in parallel....or a pair of 1 ohm? Many practical combinations exist to put less than 1ohm in series w/the tweeter. Just think about the resistor in this fashion:If the driver is 4 ohms, and you put 1 ohm in serie... 
solid state vs tubes
Compare the 'best' with the 'best' and see....and not just the amp, but an entire system. Source, pre/amp and speakers. I'll bet the BEST of each when properly matched have much more in common than differences. Some of these esoteric differences w... 
New Apple TV -- Anyone planning on it?
UVerse and all the other 'HD' feeds are pretty lame. I've seen lots of HD movies which look no better than a good, upsampled DVD. I'll bet the data rates and compression are about equal, too. Sports and News are exceptions and are usually very goo... 
New Apple TV -- Anyone planning on it?
You can connect the ATV either wireless or wired.I use an AE in wireless mode. I DO NOT have a wireless router. You should be able to run the ATV as a 'client'. This means your Imac must be ON. Normally I have my airport OFF. But when I want to us... 
does amp draw alot of power when volume is zero
Tswei,Bel Canto uses B&O ICE modules. I don't know how many changes / upgrades are made.However, the B&O data sheet says efficiency is in the 80%s at full power. Lower efficiency at lower powers. This is 'plug to speaker' My ASP moduled PS... 
New Apple TV -- Anyone planning on it?
I would HOPE the new ATV is better clocked than the AirportExpress. My DAC, a CA840c simply doesn't like the AE with its huge jitter.Also, the ATV is only 720p, not full 1080, I or P.....which means that full pixel displays will have to do the con... 
does amp draw alot of power when volume is zero
For those who are actually curious, spend the 25$ on a 'kill a watt' power meter.This meter will not only give you line voltage, but current, watts, VA AND therefore powerfactor.A cheap test and part of my standard kit, though never left in system...