
Responses from magfan

HiFi Tuning fuses direction
Does it matter on the AC power side? 
End to All Power Problems
I simply can't argue with your numbers. What KIND of silicon does LDK product? Poly? Single Crystal? It matters and makes a big difference.Solar cells are NOT a panacea cure. They are fairly simple devices but DO require a very pure form of crysta... 
End to All Power Problems
I wish you COULD make silicon solar cells from sand. While sand may be part of the raw materials, the silicon is extremely pure and has to be 'grown' as a pure crystal, usually using the CZ method. 
Best way to Bi Amp?
Aren't there even latency issues....where a signal passes thru amp 'a' much more quickly than amp 'b' so you have a phase / image problem? 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Sheesh, Kij,Your answer was the cat's meow 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
I hope you keep your animals well. My cats had the run of the place, never looked 2x at my panels and were at all times civil little beasts. Even the neighbors remarked that when my cats would visit there back yards, their was no digging or other ... 
End to All Power Problems
Here is link to Bloom Energy.The 'Electricity Server' idea is pretty neat. The Unit in question is of manageable size, but certainly, at 100kw of 'neighborhood' size not individual home. the c... 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Me? Issues? did you read what I wrote? both posts? Isn't that what I said? If someone thinks that 20large worth of stereo imparts 'class', that is a mistake. You CAN, of course, have both, but the stereo does not a classy guy make. Any more than d... 
Magnepan 1.7
I'm personally not big on Mac / Magnepan. In all the postings I've read, very few will claim that pairing. Not to say it won't work or be very pleasing. The few that have voted 'yes' have been good with the combo. Krell? I only heard this combo on... 
Budget speaker $600 or under recommendations
For 600$ ? MMGs? If you go upline within a year, I think they are still giving 'full' price back. 
Streaming iTunes
I do just that....and while it is fine....I simply leave all the 'settings' off. NO EQ. Also, the output jitter of the AE is awful. Some DACs simply will not reliably lock on that signal. If you get a screeching or fingers on chalk board noise, th... 
End to All Power Problems
Exactly. It's not as if the virtues of this new technology will prevail simply because of 'greeness' or 'inexpensive'.Lots of forces will be arrayed against this technology. As Mac states, lots of 'big' (pick your favorite) may favor it...since th... 
Subwoofer to go with Wilson Maxx II's
Stans on the right track. 'd' amps are a natural for sub duty. Any switching artifacts or need for a Zobel on the output are simple non-starters.That being said, and I KNOW it is not a match or real alternative...but my HSU will easily shake the h... 
End to All Power Problems
FERC was supposed to have a say in interstate sales of power....thus the F in FERC. As I understand the Enron scam, they were moving power around and once it went 'out of state' they could get (demand) some pretty high prices.Yes, California screw... 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
My cat was a better filter then the Stereo. If the lady and cat got along, it was a very good sign. If the lady liked my cooking.....BBQ, home made bread and a trip out later for desert, that was also a good sign. Nothing worse than a woman who pi...