
Responses from jtinn

Antique Sound Labs Hurricane 200 DT
I have heard of two experiences with different people that have had these and had to deal with reliablity issues as well as tremendous sonic disappointments.One of them went to BAT VK-150SE's and greatly preferred them. 
Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well
Hey Bruce: No problem. Harry may have been reporting on some early possibilities since it was the replacement for the SACD 1000.As I stated earlier, any transport with an AES/EBU connection will work for CD processing, but not for SACD. Only the E... 
Kharma 3.2 Owners, your thoughts...
Henry: 1. Abruce is absolutely correct. Take the P300 out! It is probably choking the system a bit and also leaning things out.2. Supporting equipment is fine. If anything else is questionable, just in terms of not being up to the quality of the r... 
Kharma 3.2 Owners, your thoughts...
What source and preamp do you use? I have never heard the 3.2 CRME sound etched and non-organic. It is the most lifelike sound I have come across. What is your room like?The speakers are the greatest, the amps are some of the best available and th... 
Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well
Wally_li: This next production run is pretty much sold out. I am hoping we will have another production run ready to ship in about three months.Jposs: I do not think we will make the DACs accessible to other transports for SACD. However, they are ... 
Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well
Bruce_l: You have been misinformed. The 963 has never will never be modified for use with our DAC's. 
Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well
Kana813: Having lived on both Oahu and The Big Island, I am very familiar with the meaning of "stinkeye." Your response was very clear and showed in your post. My description was accurate.Mahalo 
Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well
Kana813: Just because you are not in the position to buy a current "state of the art" digital setup, does not mean that you should give those who can a hard time. I am sure you are quite happy with your "CAL Delta Transport" and "Custom DAC from 1... 
Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well
Kana813: The EMM Labs does redbook better than anything I and many others have ever heard. SACD is just a bonus!The EMM Labs equipment is used by Telarc, Sony, Philips, Abbey Road, EMI, DMP, Universal, Pentaton, Chesky, Opus 3, Acoustic Sound, Vir... 
Best recording of Tchaikovsky's 5th
Gaudio_eek is spot on!!!! It is one of my favorite performance of the 5th as well. 
Is this a deal or what ....
Sorlowski: Both players are more musically correct to my ears than the Wadia. There is a naturalness that is not evident with the Wadia when compared with either of the other players, especially the Audio Aero. The Wadia is dry and thread bare in ... 
Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well
The EMM Labs is the best I have heard on SACD as well as CD.I am the distributor for this product and that being said, it is in a class of it's own. 
Is this a deal or what ....
The Wadia equipment was very good in it's day, but digital, more than anything else currently in audio, does not stand still.I have compared the Audio Aero, Audiomeca directly with the Wadia 7/9 and 27ix/270 and the Wadia cannot compare anymore.Th... 
Joseph Audio RM33si & others in the $8,000 range
The Joseph speakers are very good. That being said, they were very smart and actively campaigned for the votes they received at last year's HES in NY.The P10's are an absolute steal for the prices they are going for on A'gon. I have a pair listed ... 
Don't laugh..but could there be a best CD case?
Mutahman: On your recommendation, I ordered one the the CD cases. You are right, it is very nice without some of the problems of the Case Logic and other brands.Thank you!