
Responses from jtinn

Best table & arm combo for $10K
I personally own the SME 30 with IV.Vi arm. It is among the finest I have ever heard and I have experience with all the tables you mentioned other than the Schue and the Teres. My experience with Clearaudio, VPI left me very wanting. The Basis Deb... 
What is the best amplifier for Rockport speakers?
Brad: The new Tenor amplifiers will be shown at CES in a few weeks. They are 300/600/1200 watts into 8/4/2 homs with aboutt least 6 db of headroom. Although I have not heard them yet, I am told they will sound exactly like the 75 Wp, but with the ... 
Eidolon vs Opus
Flex: I am not dismissing how good the Avalon speakers are, I am very familiar with them and they are quite good.I have heard the Avalon's with Spectral, ARC, Ayre, Atma-sphere, and many others and my conclusions were always the same. Personally I... 
Which sounds best....ARC Ref 300 or Ref 600 Mk II
What are your speakers? I think the Ref 300 MK I's are better than the Ref 600 MK I's, but not than the Ref 600 MK II's. 
What is the best amplifier for Rockport speakers?
The Tenor's are the absolute best match for the Rockport speakers. Andy Payor himself uses them and says he has never heard anything like them before. The Rockport's thrive on the speed and clarity of the Tenor's. I have heard so many other amplif... 
Eidolon vs Opus
The Edolon's will give you a bigger sound with greater extension in the bass.I would strongly suggest you listen to the Kharma speakers. They are much more coherent and much more transparent and resolute. They go deeper and are a HUGE step over th... 
Quietest amplifier you have ever owned.
Sean: A few manufacturers state much higher than accurate s/n levels. You know how that goes.Marakanetz: The point is that the thread is discussing "the quietest amp" and TWL mentioned -120db. Signal to noise ratio is directly related to the threa... 
Quietest amplifier you have ever owned.
Twl: If you are talking -120 db signal to noise ratio, I think you have been lied to. It is close to impossible to acheive that number. 
Lamm LP2 Deluxe vs. Manley Steelhead
I have had both and can say they are both excellent. I do prefer the Manley for a number of reasons. It is a much more flexible phono stage from the stand point of adjustability. It also has the ability to run direct and bypass an additional pream... 
Help M'aidez
Thank you both for the suggestions. I thinks Gregm's was a bit more productive. :) 
Why Aren't All Cables Pre-Burned In?
JC Audio is correct and I would like to add that most people once they order equipment, be it cables, speakers or electronics, have very little patience when it comes to dtaking delivery. I totally understand why. Anticipation can create anxiety. :) 
Tube Preamp with PS Audio P300
Do not bother. The P300 cannot handle the current demands of the BAT preamp. 
I'm taking votes
Thsalmon: The CD12 is an excellent player. Personally I like the Audio Aero Capitole MK II (which I sell) a bit better, but they are fairly close.I would recomend not spending the money on the CD12 as digital IS changing fairly quickly. The next g... 
Kharma CRM 3.2F
Brad: Sorry I did not respond sooner, I just saw your post.The Kharma 3.2 Reference Monitor is an experience each time you listen. With most speakers I have owned and heard, I find myself breaking down what I hear; picking apart the system or focu... 
Kharma CRM 3.2F
While I agree with Sattothestars about the Lumenwhite speakers being very nice, IMHO, they are not even in the same league as the Kharmas.They are not as fast, not as transparent, not as resolute, not as easy to drive. They do not have as good bas...