
Responses from jtinn

Wilson MAXX/VTLKharma 3.2 / Tenor OTLKharma MidiGrands / Tenor HybridsKimber Room 
Jposs: You are partially mistaken. Any transport can be used with the EMM Labs DAC 6 or DCC 2, for CD playback, as long as it has a AES/EBU connection. For SACD playback, the modified Philips or EMM Labs soon to be released transport are the only ... 
Jposs: In some ways, you are absolutely correct. The reliability of the transport mechanism is quite suspect, but I am sure it will be worked out. On the other hand, sonically it is terrific. It is far better sounding than any of the Sony mechanis... 
ASL Hurricanes vs Tenors - which are better?
Kleech: The CAT JL1 LE amps are really great. They are rock solid in control and very musical. The Tenor amps are faster sounding, more open and transprarent, and have greater frequency extension. Two different sounds. 
ASL Hurricanes vs Tenors - which are better?
Rb99: They have never had either of the amps. Salvatore has it in for Tenor and it is well publicized.Keep em comin! 
Sonus Faber Cremona Vs. Dynaudio Contour S3.4
I would have to agree with Bigkidz. The Cremona will probably be a better match with your ML gear. 
Help Audio Aero Capitole problem
This is fairly easy to fix. It is just some fine tuning of the magnet on the back of the drawer.Call Globe (the distributor) 800-330-3804 if you need help. 
In some ways the sound appears better, but ultimately, I have heard some very good 16 bit players wipe the floor with most 24/192 upsamplers.The problem is in the multiplication of the errors inherant in digital. SACD is far greater because it goe... 
Best Cabling for Wilson Sophia's
Rcupka: I have not had a chance to combine the Shunyata Andromeda and the Valhalla interconnects. I can tell you that my exoerience has led me to the belief that mixing and matching IC's is not a very good thing. If you are going to do any mixing,... 
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique; recommendations....
The new SACD Hybrid release on Telarc with Jarvi conducting the Cincinnati is surprisingly good. It is recorded extremely well and the performance is top notch.For another suggestion, you might also want to get the RCA Living Stereo release of Cha... 
HELP Please what`s going on with this CARTRIDGE
A bit of woofer excursion is normal on vinyl. Too much is not necessarily good or normal. Generally, too much can mean improper tracking. The other possibility is the output of the cartridge. Which cartridge? What is the output? Is the record you ... 
Best Cabling for Wilson Sophia's
I am a dealer for Nordost, Jena Labs and Shunyata. I think the Valhalla may be a bit to bright with the rest of your equipment. The Jena Labs and Shunyata should be a better match with the Sophias'. 
Fireworks in an Audio Research VT200
I would definitely call ARC or your local ARC dealer ASAP. My guess is the flash you saw was a fuse that popped. 
Just a kind word of thanks
Quincy: I have seen many of Zaikesman's responses and although I do not agree all the time with him (mostly I do), I would have to agree that he is very knowledgable and deserves kudos!I would also have to agree with Lak, that your acknowledgement... 
Anyone using Schroeder arms? Opinions pls.
I have not had it in my system, but friends oversees rave about both of the tonearns made by Schroeder.