
Responses from jtinn

Best sounding SACD's to show-off system
Bigkidz: You have an open invitation. The party never stops!!! 
Best monoblock tubes amp with Vandersteen 5As
As a dedicated Tenor Audio Pusher, and lover of the product, I can tell you that at CES last year, I lent a pair of Tenor OTL's to Richard to use with his 5A's in his room. It was easily the best sound I have heard out of the Vandersteen's. I have... 
DVD-A, SACD Multichanel Balanced Player?
I am a bit puzzled as to why DVD-A would be important to you. Although there are some good releases, there are very few and the format most probably will not last. Focus on the best SACD/CD player you can find. 
Best sounding SACD's to show-off system
1. Mahler's 1st, 3rd & 6th by the SF0 under Michael Tilson Thomas. (Delos)2. Anything on the DMP label3. Blood, Sweat and Tears - track 9. (Be very patient through the long keyboard intro)4. Steely Dan - Gaucho5. Frost - Mozart's Clarinet Conc... 
Best Grateful Dead recording?
Most of the "Dick's Picks" are really excellent recordings. They are all live recordings and surprise me. 
Speaker Choices for Tube Amps
Von Shweikerts should be added to your list as well. Also, you could try to find some used Kharma speakers. 
Which Beethoven's symphony do you like the best?
The ninth is by far my favorite and is arguably the greatest peice of music ever written. 
Info for Monoblock VAC Amp
There are two 220 monoblocks. One is the Standard and one is the Signature version. The build quality and workmanship is exceptional. The sound is a tad on the warm side, with very good control. 
Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?
Liszt458: What may have been necessary for Stevecham with his Thiel CS6's, will not be the same for your B&W Nautilus 801's.His speakers are very inefficient at 86db and yours are much easier to drive at 91db.Save the money and buy music. 
Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?
The 300cx is plenty. 
break-in time for philips 963sa
I would guess about 400 hours based on my experience with the Philips SACD 1000. Be patient :) 
Pass Labs ALEPH 5 vs ALEPH 2
If I am not mistaken, the Aleph 2 has fewer gain stages and certainly will be better due to the separate power supplies. The are terrific amplifiers. 
Valhalla vs. HMS vs Jena Labs vs. Shunyata Phoeni
You should be comparing the Jena Labs Symphony speaker cables with the others you have mentioned.All are very good, but with the Tenor amps, I would not use anything with silver.Are you running the Capitole? If so, have you tried running it withou... 
What would be the best transport for Meitner Dac 6
Both Tbg & Rcprince are correct about the SACD. However, any transport with an AES/EBU output, would work into the DAC6 and still give you the ability to hear what I believe is the finest redbook playback available. Jonathan TinnDistributorEMM... 
Is Levinson 31.5 still the best transport for $$
The current state of the art is the EMM Labs equipment. My customers have gotten rid of the following in favor of the EMM Labs:Accuphase DP75vAccuphase 100 / 101Audio Note DAC 3.1x Balanced / Spectral SDR3000SLdcs Elgar/Verdi/PurcellLevinson 31.5 ...