
Responses from jtinn

Lamm or Edge solid state ?
First let me say that I am a dealer for LAMM and I will try to be as unbiased as I can.I have had both the M1.1's and the NL12 and liked both. Overall, I prefer the Lamm M1.1 amps, but there were a few things that I preferred about the Edge NL12.T... 
Opinion of Avalon Speakers or Alternataives
Which models are you considering? 
Tube Preamp w/ Phono to replace Rowland Synergy II
How about a tubed phono stage with additional input for a CD player or tuner?Manley Steelhead. 
Zingali Overture series thumbs "up" or "down"
Honest1 puts it very well. They sounded very colored to me as well, although, some people enjoy that type of sound. The Zingalis are nice sounding, but lack the detail of some of the other speakers on the market.Davkle: I am a dealer for a number ... 
Kharma Ceramique; evolution of the line
OK, here goes:1.0 - 1.1: There were changes to the crossover as well as new binding posts.2.0 - 2.1: A completely new crossover was implemented. It raises the impedence of the speaker as well as the efficiency up to 90db. The 2.0 was a bit dark so... 
Kharma 3.1 vs. Quad 988
As a Kharma dealer and a lover of Quads, I do not envy what you must be going through. The 3.1 will give you everything you get from the Quads but quite a bit more as well. You will get the great midrange (I personally think it is even better), bu... 
Nautilus 800 Vs Wilson Audio VI Vs LM Labs Utopia
Although I do not sell any of the speakers you mention, I have to say I recommend you go with the Wilson WP6's.All of the speakers you mention require quite a bit of power to really make them sing. I would also suggest you delve a bit into other s... 
VPI HR-X vs SME 20
Jonmatd: This customer, who is a personal friend of mine, has called and written VPI countless times, upon my suggestions, and has had little satisfaction. He feels it is almost impossible to reach you guys with the limited hours that you provide ... 
VPI HR-X vs SME 20
Rufus, your assumptions are incorrect. My friend has not had the chance to try the table, which has been sitting in his house for four months, because both his dealer and the VPI factory said they were having problems.When you speak with my friend... 
VPI HR-X vs SME 20
Rufus: I am NOT a dealer for either product, although I have owned turntables from both companies. Specifically, there ARE problems with the motor and the arm. I have a friend who has been waiting forever for the replacemet motor and arm. If you a... 
VPI HR-X vs SME 20
I would go for the SME 20. It is a more finished product. The VPI HRX is having all sorts of problems. The SME 20 is reliable, ready for market and marvelous. 
Audio Aero Capitole-Changing Tubes
Hifimatt: It is a very simple soldering job that can be done by any local tech in a matter of minutes for a minimal charge. The tubes are also quite inexpensive to replace. 
I think the answer for you might be Avantgardes or another horn loaded speaker. They run on almost no power and will produce insane amounts of volume. 
Joule Electra LA 150
I have not heard the combo, but it is a nice preamp. The combo might sound terrific. 
Which sounds best....ARC Ref 300 or Ref 600 Mk II
My goodness, without a doubt go with the Ref 600's. The U-1's will love the power. I think you should save the money and pick up a pair of the 600 MK II's. They are very obtainable on the used market at a substantial savings over new.