
Responses from jtinn

Looking for a Speaker in the $15,000 Range
1. The Vandersteen 5A will work fine and be a nice match.2. The Wilson WP 7 will be driven by the Thor, but not to their full potential.3. The Eidolon definitely needs more power as well.4. Although the Parsifal's are a bit low in their efficiency... 
Should I be concerned about overpowering my spkrs
You are more likely to damage a speaker by underpowering it than overpowering it. 
SACD 2...for those who have not heard
This is nothing to worry about at all. It is actually SACD 2.0 vs. SACD 1.6 which is currently out. 
Any one heard of Audio Matsere?
Audio Matiere is now Audio Aero. Their amplifiers were a very good bargain. 
Experience with Wolcott's on cone speakers?
I would have to agree with Albert, without even being there. Quite a while ago I contacted Dynaudio regarding the possibility of matching the Tenor OTL's with their speakers and they said "No Way!" There is a severe impedance drop well below 4 ohm... 
What's your profession? Age?
I retired about 5 years ago and got into the audio business since, quite by accident. I am about to turn 44 and have a beautiful wife and an audiophile son in the making who is about to turn 5.When I am not listening to audio, I am watching Tiregu... 
Antique Sound Labs Hurricane 200 DT
hilleryx: I do not think 200 watts will cut it. How big a room? 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Hurricane Tube amp
Rwd: Thank you for your well thought out and articulated review. 
3K to 4K Phono Pre-Amp
Rwd: The Groove is much quieter, faster and more dynamic. Alan has made a very good suggestion. The Ear is really one of the best values in audio. 
Lamm ML1 question
Deano: I certainly did not mean to sound as aggressive as my post came off. I just re-read it and I was a tad too strong. :(Andy has a great reputation and does the work necessary to choose what is worth owning. He is very expensive, but most can ... 
Harbeth C7ES vs Maggie 1.6 QR
You are going to have a very tough time excepting the differnces in presentation if you go to the Harbeths. The Maggie's are very cohesive with a very big and expansive stage. You will not get anything like that with the Harbeths. 
3K to 4K Phono Pre-Amp
Without a doubt, I would definitely try to hear the Tom Evens "The Groove". 
Lamm ML1 question
Deano: Most NOS tubes are discards. They were not up to the standards of the day. What do you think, someone stuck tons of these tubes in a vault and forecasted that one day these tubes would be worth a fortune?Most manufacturers have no idea how ... 
Lamm ML1 question
I would not recommend it. Vladmir hand picks each tube and they are of the highest quality.I have tried it with no luck.Congratulations on a terrific amp. 
Shunyata versus Elrod
Way to go Grant.I would have to agree. I am a dealer for both Shunyata and Elrod Power Systems. Both are excellent products, but if anyone tells you that any one cable is the answer for all components, they are full of it. It is totally component ...