
Responses from jtinn

enigma upgrade for kharma
It is a really nice improvement. Especially when it comes to the vividness and bass resolution. Where are you located? The cost is 4k. 
Review: Emm Labs DCC2 DA converter
James1969: Yes it does. 
Sonic Frontiers Power 2 or ARC VT-100 MKII???
The SF2 is more musical and less bloaty. That being said, the highs are the only thing that I am not crazy about with the SF amps. They seem to be a tad congested.I do not remember about biasing the SF2's, but I remember it is no fun with the ARC.... 
Opinion on Mark Levinson 33H Monoblocks
The 33h's are in a different league than the 336. They use power regeneration and are much more substantial amplifiers. 
Boulder 1050 or 2060 which one is better ?
These are completely different amplifiers in two completely different classes. The 2060 is Boulder's all-out-assault on stereo Class A amplification while the 1050 monoblocks are built to a price-point (at this price, I am surprised I am saying th... 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Rafael: :)Tireboy: :) 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Frankg: :)Crump: Five years ago, huh?Panorama: My wife thinks I have the best beef in America. :)Mes: She says yours is second best :) 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Mes: 7. You mean your mama? 
Dartzeel NHB-108
This is definitely the strangest thread I have ever seen. 1. We are all friends. 2. We are all psychotic.3. We all own EMM Labs equipment.4. Ooops, How did Bob Crump get in this thread :)5. We have all made fun of MES.6. We have all heard the terr... 
Anyone heard the new Tenor 150 Hybrids yet?
It is almost an identical sound to the 300 HP monoblocks. If you have extremely inefficient speakers, maybe you would hear a difference. 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Come on over, you can hear it for yourself :) 
Review: Emm Labs DCC2 DA converter
Tireguy: Thanks so much for your wondeful comments. I agree completely with most of what you stated. I would say that a good cd transport or cd player going into the DCC2 will still be a HUGE improvement for most people as you do benefit from the ... 
Well Tempered Labs out of business?
Call Transparent Audio... they could tell you. :) 
IO Signature/Steelhead/Arc Reference/ and Colibrì?
I have a great deal of experience with all of the pieces you mention. I am also a dealer for a few. The Colibri is my favorite cartridge...fantastic! My favorite on your list would be the Manley Steelhead for a number of reasons.1. On-the-fly adju... 
Audio aero Capitole MkII
The Capitole works great with all of the amplifiers mentioned.I would worry more about the amplifier / speaker combination.