
Responses from jtinn

Lamm M 1.2 against Tenor 300 and Boulder 2060
Tom: I just delivered a pair of Hybrid monos to a customer with Eidolon Diamonds. The amps did not sound good on them until after about two hours of being plugged in. They replaced Halcro DM68's and the differences were night and day. As the amps ... 
Lamm M 1.2 against Tenor 300 and Boulder 2060
Tom: I know the amps you listened to and I assure you they were not the same sounding as what everyone else is hearing. Those amplifiers needed to go back to the factory and the dealer kept putting it off for months. Even after my continued insist... 
Why the switch from Kharma/Tenor to DarTZeel/VSA
Tireguy: Very funny!!! :) 
Lamm M 1.2 against Tenor 300 and Boulder 2060
They are all fine amplifiers. I brought a pair of the Tenor 300 Hybrid monoblocks to a customer's house in Colorado. He owned the Boulder 2060 Stereo amplifier and Kharma Midi Grand Ceramique speakers. It took him all of 15 seconds to decide that ... 
Funniest sales pitch
Best Ever for sure...Skull said it:"Selling in order to buy BMW for stripper girlfriend."A classic. 
New EMM LABS transport
Who said it started shipping 3 weeks ago? Not true. It will be a while before people are able to respond. The first shipment went out this past week. 
Opinions regarding JMlab Alto Be?
Jwaugh: My statement was based on the speakers Thom_y was comparing to. 
Opinions regarding JMlab Alto Be?
The JM Lab Alto is a very good speaker. It's strength is it's musicality and high end air. The weakness is the low end extension.None of the other speakers seem to do more for me than the JM Lab, but another speaker you should look at is the Von S... 
Dimensions of Meitner Transport?
5-1/4"H, 17-1/4"W, 15-11/16"D 
Help on System Upgrade
Balance out or cover up? 
Who's the best blues harp player.
I don't know about best, but Charlie Musslewhite is pretty good. 
Help on System Upgrade
The Cremona and Verity are very beutiful sounding speakers, that lean toward the warmer side of real. I would definitely say the Kharma and Von Schweikert speakers lean toward the more lifelike sound. Both have amazing clarity and detail.By runnin... 
Is VonSchweikert VR-1 good upgrade from Spica TC50
Being a VSA dealer, I am a big fan. I have to also say that we are not really talking apples to apples. If the TC50's were being sold today, I am sure they would be quite a bit more money than the VR1's.Now that all that is behind us, I am 45 year... 
Help on System Upgrade
If you are considering the EMM Labs, save yourself some money on a preamplifier and look into the DCC 2 which has a reference grade preamplifier built in.As far as the speakers go, since you are going to keep the Linn Klimax amplifiers, I would lo... 
What's next for the Magnepan 3.6R
This really does not answer your question, but if you are going to buy Maggie's, I would higly recommend getting a pair of 3.6's and not worry about what Magnepan is going to do in the future. There are some things that you can do to the speaker t...