

Responses from jfrech

Wilson WP 7s and supertweeter
Hi, I don't know your system, musical tastes or your room. But you have arguably one of the very best speakers ever made under 30K retail. (I've owned WP 6's and 8's)Any reason why you feel something is lacking, maybe let us your system, room and ... 
BAT VK-60, VK-55 or ????
samzx12,not sure anyone commmented here on "Does the 60 suffer from any reliability issues?"I have ran BAT tube amps for about 8-9 years. Started off with a VK60 for a few years, then a 75SE, last 2 years, 150SE's. Other than a few 6c33b tubes arc... 
Nagra VPS phonom stage - how good
Viper_z,Hi, I posted earlier above. The dealer in Austin, Ne Plus Ultra is super good. I think you should give them a second chance. I can't comment on why re: the 10 times, he does have a extensive customer network, and seriously values personal-... 
Wilson Audio Sophia II questions from Norway
Sorry I disagree. The Sophia II will do wonderful in your room. I can't comment on your electronics, but I am sure they will be good to wonderful.Please pay attention to the Wilson Audio Setup Procedure to the get the best to offer from them. If y... 
Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so..
Hi, Johnnyb53 makes some pretty good points. As a Wilson owner, and one who has had 2 different dealers, one ok, and one super, the setup here is critical. I'd give your dealer a 2nd chance then call Wilson directly.I have sat back and watched thi... 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
http://www.wilsonaudio.com/product/maxx/maxx3preview.phpThis might be best... 
PAD Proteus Provectus and Venustas SC differences
I can't help you on the speaker cable. I did upgrade from a Venustas tonearm cable to a Proteus Provectus tonearm cable. 1st is much blacker background and resolution goes up, distortion goes down. It's a more articulate cable. 2nd the normal flui... 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
samuel: stay on that paper route, the 5 am mornings will be paying off!magicchef: good question. one speaker was set up perfectly on each of the maxx 2 and 3. So for the Maxx 2 the right was spot on and the left slightly off. The Maxx 3 the left p... 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
I got a chance to hear the new Maxx 3 yesterday, right next to the Maxx 2. Same system. All level matched. The Maxx 3 is pretty amazing, it is not a improved Maxx 2. It's in a different class and much much closer to the Alexandria x-2 than the Max... 
Any opinions on the Lyra stylus cleaning fluid?
chashmal:I've owned a lyra lydian beta, helicon and now a Skala. The last two cartrdiges (I had the helicon for 3 years and the skala now for over 2) I have used the lyra fluid about every 3-4 sides of a record. It seems to improve every so slight... 
Rollerblocks under turntable ?
Hi, I haven't tried the HRS.I used to have a Ultra under my SME 20/2 and loved it. Currently I have my SME 20/2 on a Finite Elemente Master Reference with Cerapucs under the 4 SME 20/2 feet. It is a improvement over the Ultra, but NOT cost effecti... 
SME 309... straight or 90-degree DIN?
The SME 309 doesn't require a 90 degree din. Your turntable might for clearance reasons. I have a SME 20/2 and SME IV.Vi (similar arm) using a straight din. I actually prefer the straight in my setup... 
Review: Pass Labs XA100.5 Amplifier
Hi, I just have to complement your system. I bet it sounds incredible.As for your review. Wow. Well though out, informative, I appreciate you taking the time to write it.Thanks for taking the time. 
Premier Record Cleaner, How to use
Hi, it's pretty easy to use. I put the LP on my VPI 16.5, start the LP rotating, spray some on the record, and then use a carbon fibre or LAST brush to work it around. In about 3 rev's, it's evaporated.I spray enough to coat the record and brush e... 
Review: Balanced Audio VK-P10 Tube preamp
Hi, I also have since moved on from a VK P10se Superpak. Had it for years and just wanted something new. It's a great phono stage.I still have my BAT 51SE, 150SE's. I like the Purist 20th Anniversay the best. Previously had tried Dominus ferrox an...