

Responses from jfrech

What are the differences between XRCDs?
I'd be afraid some of those are counterfeit and really aren't to the xrcd quality... 
TriPlanar Tips
hi Doug,Does the knob at the top of the tower easily rotate when the grub screw is snugged down? Mine does....just wondering if something is loose, broken or working as designed....I don't think the VTA tower actually changes however in my case ..... 
TriPlanar Tips
Several have posted that the Tri has new wiring and a 12 inch version coming out in Jan... 
dCs debussy or puccini u-clock?
I used to own a puccini and u clock, I can assure you the transport is better than the USB in...just try it...now have a dcs scarlatti,,,u won't regret getting a killer transport, dac and clock combo like the dCS Puccini/u clock...you will still l... 
Avantgarde Trios too loud with my amps
You can also easily go to one BAT VK60...have to take off the bottom cover, change a few jumpers and a wiring harness...call bat or your dealer here... 
Tube pre/power combo for Rockport Aviors
You may be happy with your CJ amps. It depends how big your room is, how loud you listen etc etc...I've also heard them with the Nagra MSA's (a pair), that's one nice little amp.I've never heard the BAT Rex amp...but used to own bat before and tha... 
What is the "correct" VTA for the Lyra Atlas?
when you say frequency span? what are you listening for ? how deep the bass and how extended the highs? I run SACD's and a Lyra Atlas...I do find the Atlas wonderfully musical, more so than my SACD's...however my SACDs go just as low and as high... 
Upgrading from Rega P5 TT
Hi, I am sure the p6 is better...but I come from the camp that you can't spend enough on the table/arm....if you can, I'd spring for best you can... 
Tube pre/power combo for Rockport Aviors
I"ve heard these Rockport Aviors extensively in Austin. Big congratulations, these are a FANTASTIC speaker and really makes one wonder why you ever need to spend more money. They do a few things my Wilson Maxx 3's don't do for 1/2 the price! The t... 
Out of this speaker rockort, Atlair
Out of that list, I've only heard the Rockports, and I can honestly say they are the best speaker I've heard around it's price point....especially if your goals are transparency and musical fidelity..This really comes down to personal tastes, your... 
interconnnect for tri-planer arm?
Hi Ralph, I have a Tri VII u2...I assume this is the most current wire ? And by supple is it also better? Thanks in advance 
interconnnect for tri-planer arm?
I bought a Tri with a Din connection..I've also seem one modded this this way (Din is added right where the wire exits the base of arm...Soldering here is tricky....you kinda have to know what you're doing with those little wires... 
Choice for wilson Watt/puppy 5.1 internal wiring
You do have to be careful with the Wilsons...proper set up is crucial. Do you have any room treatments? They maybe revealing a bright room vs a bright speaker?Also careful system matching/cabling etc...what is the rest of your set up?The 5.1's are... 
Do I need an SUT w/ an EAR 868?
Hi I found a review on your EAR 868. It does indeed use transformers already in the phono stage. "...the linestage gain is 17dB, the phono gain a variable 50-80dB, and the output impedance a relatively low 600 ohms. The 868 doesn’t invert phase. A... 
Do I need an SUT w/ an EAR 868?
EAR makes some of the best phono SUT's on the planet. Not sure why you'd try anything else. In fact, your 868 may have a SUT already in the signal path which is what might be causing the hum... a sut connecting to a sut...I'm with Swampwalker, wha...