

Responses from jfrech

Upgrade BAT VK-55 to VK-55SE? Worth it?
I think you're going from a 6sn7 input tube to a 6h30 + more power supply stuff. I haven't heard this...but I do remember going from a VK60 to a VK75SE...The 75SE was definately quieter, better staging...deeper base but more a little more cool...t... 
Review: Purist Audio Design Limited Edition 2013 Power cord
Thanks for taking the time to write this...I've used Purist power cables before...I think I want to try these! 
$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please
I'll have to echo Lenny's comments above. We both have Nagra PLL's on the Nagra VFS anti vibration plates. I am sure there are better preamps...but this one seems to do almost everything pretty right, little wrong.I did compare it Aesthetix Callis... 
New AMG tt just arrived.
Congratulations !!! Have to agree with Rugyboogie...GREAT room !!! 
Thoughts on SME 10A
Hi, well, we'll all spend your money around here fast...so don't over stretch financially... I will say...get the best table you can afford...this is money well spent for a audiophile... 
IC to mate with oppo 105: mostly 2 channel
Dozens of choices here. Purist Audio Designs or Transparent Audio are my favorite 2 cables brands. Transparent Ultra MM2 or Reference with mm2 are hard to beat...Purist Proteous Provectus Praesto is also killer good... 
General question about Linn Axis
Belts do help the sound...I'd inspect it for cracks, wear and tear. I agree with the above..don't get a cheap belt...Linn dealers should stock or be able to order a original ....I used to own a Axis...wish I would have kept it! 
Preamps with balanced ins/outs and remote
you can add BAT, VTL and Audio Research the list....Also Aesthetix...good points about...how much $$;s and what else are you looking for... 
Thoughts on SME 10A
Bobbob...what brand of cables are you using today? (for your xlr's?) It's best here to get a new one made up...din to xlr-some brands, like my transparent solder on a pigtail with the din before the main cable starts.It's also true you can retermi... 
Thoughts on SME 10A
rsf507....the SME's are speed adjustable. While it only has 3 buttons (33, 45, 78) when you press and hold 2 buttons, it goes into adjust mode....SME also provides a strobe disc.I'd be careful saying things fail tests...was the belt old? had someo... 
Thoughts on SME 10A
So the 10A is a great table...it will absolutely show you what vinyl is all about. I am assuming your Ayre K1x has a built in phono - if so, I bet it's pretty good.I might try a Lyra Delos or Kleos. See if you can get the deal to knock $500 off if... 
Thoughts on SME 10A
That's a good table It's very well built...will last you forever. What arm is on it? The better the SME arm...the better it will sound...If it has a SME IV.Vi I'd jump on it...Lot's of competition in this range. Does it have a cartridge also at th... 
Well a lot...but usually a price not commensurate with performance. What's your room like? Where are you speakers placed? Are you looking to spend money or keep this simple? 
phono cable chryoed
wow, thanks for the compliments !!! 
step up transformer?
yes you should....it should be very noticable....I wish I could offer you help on why you're not hearing this...