

Responses from jfrech

What amplifiers should I have for Dyn Temptation.
Hi a few years ago, I sent my VK51 in for the SE update. The dealer loaned me a VK31...it's cut from the same cloth but didn't have the same weight and power of the 51..also the 51 was more quiet and resolute.The 51SE update just brought more of t... 
Tubes/SS Power Amps?
Hi I had a similar need as yours...less heat (upstairs in texas get's hot fast)...but I always owned tube amps...ARC or BAT...A few years ago I bought a pair of Ayre MXRs. Really happy. They get very warm to the touch...but don't really emit heat.... 
Allnic Puritas vs. Koetsu Stone Body
dgad, I bet i am going off thread here and maybe I should email you offline. I have a Lyra Atlas using a TriPlanar (current version 10.5 inch) into a Nagra VPS/VFS. I do have a Schroeder LT on order....I also own and LOVE my Allaerts MC2 Finish...... 
dcs Puccini heats up CDs
HI my former dCS Puccini did this...and my current dCS Scarlatti does it also...I'd assume it's normal... 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
I thought it was interesting u compared breakers to fuses. Breakers can't cost that much, and it they sound better why not. Goes to show u that some improvements are still needed... By the way, how much was the breaker u bought? I bet less than th... 
Phonostage for Jan Allaerts MC 2 Finish Gold.
Hi, just checking ... what phono stage did you end up with? I am trying to decide if I want to try something new for my MC2 Finish... 
Tonearm cables next league above Silver Breeze
Hi you have a few options here. I'd suggest Purist Audio Proteus Provectus Praesto or Transparent Reference XL MM2. Here are some comments I have posted in the past:All are DIN to RCA terminations off the tonearm...When I had my SME 20/2 SME IV.Vi... 
Review: Transparent Audio REF XL Speaker cable
Madfloyd, I have a triplanar also. I had mine factory wired with a din (about 4 inches of wire past arm base). So I know it can be done...just don't know how easy/hard for a existing arm...mine was ordered new this way... 
Review: Transparent Audio REF XL Speaker cable
Peter,Wow, first off what a incredible review. The first thing I notice is how carefully you listen. That's very obvious in your writing. 2nd, I wish reviewers made millions...you just might be at the top of the heap!I am not surprised by your fin... 
Simon Yorke and VPI
I think the Simon Yorke's are fairly rare...I'd love to be able to hear one soon... 
Best MC step up transformer
I can't give you a reply that matches with your equipment or cartridge...but I am using a EAR MC4 SUT. With both a Lyra Atlas and a Allaerts MC2 Finish...I'm very happy...Here is a review with some more info http://www.ultraaudio.com/index.php?opt... 
Which is better: Transport+DAC or PC system+DAC
Hi Personally, I am into SACD listening. Nearly 100% SACD. Anything else I listen to vinyl. I think SACD is where the dCS shines above all...I'll get to listen to the dCS Vivaldi soon...by all accounts this is a big step up...I have heard the MSB ... 
Which is better: Transport+DAC or PC system+DAC
So you have a excellent system...congratulations, now I can see why you might want more than the dCS Puccini+Uclock (which I used to own).The dCS Scarlatti's, used prices are great, is a killer upgrade for you. Last year I traded in my Puccini/ucl... 
Which is better: Transport+DAC or PC system+DAC
Hi, be careful, you have a killer good digital system already. You may find better power cords, isolation or interconnects more effective...May i ask what is the rest of your system? 
Alternatives for Transparent Reference MM2
+1 on samhar's recommendation. I have Transparent Ref MM2 in my system. It's a wonderful cable. (if you buy new you don't have to pay the price to retune it...but I guess you pay one way or the other huh...)You have one of the best cables anywhere...