

Responses from jfrech

Best Phono Cable for Ortofon MC Anna
Hi Dreamaudio, a few thoughts...I have some experiences here to share. All DIN terminations off the tonearm...When I had my SME 20/2 SME IV.Vi arm, Lyra Skala Cartridge I tried the following cables:1)Stock SME (think it was some sort of vandenhul2... 
Mc Anna , Lyra Titan or DynaVector XV 1s
Hi, I'd say you have a significant upgrade options available here. In the magnitude of a cartridge swap. Some tonearm cables I'd consider are:Purist Audio Designs, Proteus Provectus PraestoTransparent Reference w/mm2 or aboveCardas makes a GREAT c... 
Mc Anna , Lyra Titan or DynaVector XV 1s
Hi lot's of great comments above...what arm cable are you running off your SME V? This is a critical spot...you do have a good cartridge...I've owned 5 lyras..so I might have a bias...I killer arm cable might be your next move depending what you h... 
Vinyl Heaven : Lyra Atlas on a Durand Talea 2
Hi Pradeep, I have a Atlas in my system now. I am still playing around with loading. I only have a few loading cards (33, 100, 330, and 847ohm) I can order more. I also have a EAR MC 4 Step up transformer and a moving magnet card for the 2nd input... 
Best one-chasis CD/SACD player under $15 000?
The dCS puccini is a killer player closely fitting the attributes you list... 
Amarra HiFi and 24/96 FLAC Files - Heads Up
I've been pretty happy with Amarra. Even with the $$'s it seems pretty good. Can't you also convert the flac files using the Amarra converter and play with what you already have? Should still sound great... 
Esoteric Clocks Owners / and cables
on a scale of 1 -10...stock cables being 1. Cardas being 2 or 3. Purist Proteus Provectus Praesto being like 8 or 9. It was significantly better than the other two.It also seems to breakin...but not as dramatic as signal cables.Since you're all wi... 
Esoteric Clocks Owners / and cables
Hi, I don't have Esoteric gear (used to have a dv-50s), but do have a separate clock with my dCS Scarlatti set up. I have tried 3 clock cables. Stock, Cardas Lightning 15, and Purist Audio Designs Proteus Provectus Praesto. All bnc to bnc. The dif... 
I have a sony XLR LED I got last year. Oh my is it nice. Best TV I've ever had...including 2 samsung plasmas... 
Esoteric P05/D05/G0-RB
Just a shot in the dark here, babybear has owned the better esoteric gear (i used to have a dv50s i wish i would have kept for dvd use...)If your theta dvd transport is dvd only, are you setting your clock to 48 vs 44.1?When i do this on my dcs sc... 
Beatles Reissues on VINYL Finally
I am a little nervous here to. I have a great digital and vinyl front end...if it had to go to 24/192 for the reasons stated...I think I'd just as soon stay in the digital land...pretty sure that's what I am going to do with the Norah Jones box se... 
Heeeelp New used BAT Vxi3 - Hisssssssss
Hi tubes can have issues even though it measures ok. I agree with the poster above, if the issue is in one channel, swap tubes (turn off first!! And maybe let cool down a bit). If the noise moves, it's that tube for sure. This is also normal for t... 
Aborbers proximity to walls and speaker
Hi I think it really depends. Expiramentation might be best. Also, usually at first reflection folks us diffusion, like rpg bad arc panels. I am in the middle of a rives room project...However, given your room, maybe it's ok. I might try diffussor... 
Heeeelp New used BAT Vxi3 - Hisssssssss
Hi, that's a tube... 
Purist Audio Design - Dominus Interconnect Cable
Why don't you listen to the Purist Audio cables? It's great to look at a website...listening will give you the best info. BTW...have your checkbook ready. I doubt you even need to go up to Dominus...try Proteus Provectus Praesto or Ventustas...It'...