

Responses from jfrech

Purist Audio Break In - Venustas
last lemming...the amp isn't the source in this instance...should be your cd player, pre amp etc...the amp is the destination for the signal in this case...A extra 1.5 meters you won't hear..maybe in a super hi rez system going back and forth...bu... 
Moving VPI TNT, Wheaton Triplanar, Transfiguration
I don't know that much about VPI tables, but I'd definitely take the platter off to relieve any possible stress on that bearing.I do have a TriPlanar, does your Tranfiguration Cart have a stylus protector? if so I'd leave it mounted, but take the ... 
Purist Audio Break In - Venustas
Hi, make sure you have them going in the right direction, crucial for these cables. Other than that you have two issues, first, after shipping they take a day or 3 just to settle down, then 150-200 hours of breakin. You have great cables, just giv... 
Is there a better quality Firewire cable?
tbg, thanks, i am floored by the differences on digital cables, i don't understand why (digits are digits stuff) but I can sure hear it. The surprising thing is that I've compared Cardas to Purist interconnect before and the same thing in hear on ... 
Is there a better quality Firewire cable?
I am hoping to revive this thread. See if anyone has more input on Firewire cables. I have a dCS Scarlatti stack and recently tried a Audioquest Diamond firewire, it's definitely better than stock. But wondering if something better is out there.I ... 
Wilson Audio Sasha break-in time ?
Frist congrats those are great speakers. If my Maxx 3's serve as a guide for you the first 24 hours brings a big change...then the next 100 hours smaller changes (more ease to the presentation)...after that I swear after a few months they eased ag... 
Opinions on Transparent Audio Power Cond PW8
I had a Transparent PowerIsolator a few years back, with a Transparent power cable going to my BAT VK 75SE amps at the time...I should have never sold it..If your dealer sells both, I'd listen to his opinion, if just one...you have to consider tha... 
new USB cable shuts down the computer
weird, i have a cardas clear and a macbook...mine works fine...must be a bad cable or a bad connector...peek on both ends and see if something is shorting the contracts... 
System needs more watts??
Hi, yes the 75SE can be monoblocked to 150SE's. It's pretty easy, you can buy an internal kits (requires just a little basic soldering or external jumpers from BAT.I did this a few years ago (I did post if you maybe search...sorry I don't have the... 
4 ohm or 8 ohm tap on old tube amps?
I agree with Mechans here...Using a 4 ohm tap won't hurt anything with 8 ohm speakers...I have usually found 8 ohm taps work best, even with 4 ohm speakers...but your milage will very much vary on this...just try it.. 
Lyra Erodion vs Ypsilon MC16 for Lyra Kleos
Hi, I'll have to disagree with the above poster re "no sut in best" -however markanetz may have a valid point in his system from his perspective.SUT's can sound great. Everything is system dependent. I happen to be thrilled with my EAR MC 4 SUT.Wh... 
Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?
Hi Steve, can I get a email address? I thought I sent you a note via reed's website but I guess it never made it. I live in Austin and heard Arnie's set up (very very nice analog front end!)I am curious about ordering one of the 3p arms, but have ... 
What new CD/SACD player?
Hi, I used to have a set up close to yours...BAT VK51SE, VK150SE's, WP 6 and 8's and a Esoteric DV50s (btw i bet it sounds fantastic). You'll have to spend some serious money to better it...The better Esoterics are better...(like the UX3 or K03). ... 
Retailer in Austin, TX
Hi, I'll reccommend Ne Plus Ultra posted above. I've bought most of my gear there and he does have a few demo items. Best thing is his experience and system matching...a well matched system for 10-15k can sound amazing...Good luck to you 
Shunyata King Cobra CX vs Anacond Ztron?
Speed anaconda is definately better. Bass KC is better decay, Anaconda better articulation...soundstage is clearly a strength of anaconda zitron...especially that see through quality (well hear through :)