

Responses from jfrech

bass traps
My new Rives designed bass traps are in...listening now...defiantly improvement...might need to adjust the speakers...bass is much deeper and more articulate...the mids are seriously more focused/cleaned up. I posted some pics on my system page if... 
bass traps
I have a Rives level 2 also...bass traps are getting installed today...currently have ASC tower traps in the 2 corners behind the speakers...will reply back on how different the Rives custom bass traps sound... 
Looking to build a room, but
Depends where they are..they might help also by breaking stuff up. I am nearly finished with my Rives project...so far everything is helping that he recommended...I am sure you can treat 'em somehow...good luck, let us know what you do 
Transparent High Performance Power Link
Absolute sound reviewed it a year or two ago, something like one of the best budget power cords out there. I see you use other transparent cabling...typically stepping up in transparent get's you lower noise, better dynamics, etc. and it's usually... 
Wilson Audio Sophia spike options
Well first off, you have a very nice system, BAT amps, EAR phono on your table...I am sure it sounds fantastic !A few have experimented here with Wilson's. I am sure you can get differnent results maybe even better results...but you can also get b... 
new vs old shunyata power cables
Hi I have the newest Anaconda Zitron along with the king Cobra CX. Have posted if you want to do a search...the net here is the Anaconda zitron is definately more resolute/dynamic/revealing...the King Cobra has a warmth that in some applications s... 
Gingko or Symposium Ultra Platform??
Hi I haven't tried a Gingko...but did have several Symposium Ultras with my former system and used one nearly always with my SME 20/2 Table. The symosium ultra shelves always improved any gear I tried with it. Lowers the noise floor, increases the... 
Wilson Sophia
Hi which model Sophia? 3's? How large is your room? What kind of music do you listen to? Are you planning on buying used or new? 
ZYX Airy 3 Best SUT
I thnk it's a typo above... .24mv. What about the EAR MC4?I bought one partly by dealer trail and partly from the comments on Ultra Audio. The reviewer did use a Airy 3...http://www.ultraaudio.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&... 
Cable synergy applicable to digital ICs too?
Purist's Digital cables are pretty special...not sure why you'd look elsewhere...especially if you like your speaker cables and interconnects... 
Does a Sub for Wilson Sophia II make sense?
Hi, I might take a different take than lloydlee21, not that anything he has said is wrong! Just a second perspective...what model sophia's do you have? Might be time to move to Watt Puppy's, they have a little better bottom end (well little better... 
Which USB Cable?
Better USB's are better...I went with Cardas Clear. I am sure lot's of opinions here, but it's hard to recommend..best is to try a few...I know that is hard sometimes... 
Are my CAT5 and router my weak link?
Oh, I'll likely regret this post. I know digits are digits and data is data. But I can clearly here differences in clock cables between my clock and the transport/dac. It is not subtle. My wife can hear it. The stock cables aren't cheap/trashy at ... 
Purist Audio Break In - Venustas
How long have you had em playing now? Settling down any? Let us know for sure after you get about 200 hours on em...One final question...did you audition purist venastas and buy purist venustas praesto? The praesto revision does make the cable a b... 
Purist Audio Break In - Venustas
HI sorry to pick on this again... but the labels should be closest to the dac or pre...not the amp...maybe I am not understanding something...just trying to help you sincerely. If the labels are close to the amp, I don't that that is right...Unles...