

Responses from jfrech

The Lawyers Have Taken Over Audio
I think a lot of us forget that a proper professional setup is indispensable for excellent sound. Including the room and how it's treated.Sounds like this guy has what it takes...and he's built a small business in a very tough market...I haven't h... 
TriPlanar Tips
Please call him...might catch him right before CES... 
Ayre D to A
Stringreen, you can get better digital...but seems like a few of us are not sure the download path vs spinning disc is worth it (given the comments above).What about a better Ayre player? Like the DX5? I know it's more money...The thing I keep fin... 
Ayre D to A
I got really frustrated with computer audio. Bought a mac, got amarra, a good USB cable, bought a bunch of 24/96 or 24/192 files, and felt like I wasn't going forward. Spinning discs just always won out for me...handily.Your mileage may vary....bu... 
SP10 MK3 recommendation
As someone who has heard Albert's turntables, It's hard to beat the SME Airtight or SME Lyra combo's. They are both pretty special.I have head the Reed 12 (pretty sure it was a 3q...maybe a 2a) with a Lyra Olympos at a friends a few times (on a do... 
Anti-Vibration pads: which component most?
I am not familiar with those..there are lots on the market...I"ve tried Symposium Fat Padz before...easily can hear. I suspect once you start, you'll be buying more ;-) 
Placement of electronics
Jarraa, RPG makes a "acoustic screen" they call theirs the RPG Variscreen. I have 3 one to block off a stairway and 2 to block off dormer style windows...http://www.rpgeurope.com/products/product/variscreen.html 
Anti-Vibration pads: which component most?
what pads? Usually I'd start at the source or a tube pre amp (if that's what you have) 
Placement of electronics
You will...what sound effect it'll have is a question. The better interconnects may make you still better off...I have everything in the middle, but on good racks and my speakers are pulled out somewhat... 
Tonearm clips too big, suggestions?
contact fluid won't help you out on this case...they are designed to bridge the molecular gaps between the metals that are closely/tightly in contact...not bridging metals that aren't or are loosely in contact.... 
Tube pre/power combo for Rockport Aviors
Hi Predeep...did you get to listen to any more pre/amp combo's while in NY? Curious on your thoughts and listening sessions... 
Can't Fit Purist Museaus anymore in smaller space
drill baby drill....seriously...you're about to take a step backwards...and spend money doing it...jmcgrogan2 has it right... 
What three shelf stand should I purchase?
Have a price range?I can say, as guy that did go crazy on stands, they make a huge difference especially with tubes and digital and vinyl... 
Apple lossless -vs-24/96
Agree...for your new music going forward...try and buy 24/96 files vs 16/44...not all will be...I like to use HD Tracks....for the higher rez files...even 24/44 sounds better to me... 
$1-1.5K DAC for BAT Amp/Preamp System?
Doesn't your Oppo 93 have digital inputs? If your budget is only around $1000...get the New Oppo 105...use it's balanced outs to your BAT and the Oppo's digital inputs for your Apple TV (which can do double duty for streaming)Then sell your Oppo 9...