
Responses from itsjustme

One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....
1. Studios and homes have very different requirements - space, size, form factor, interconnect standards, protection requirements2. Weak analogy. The "one"  made pre-ceding rings subservient to and and bent their power to its will. It was not simp... 
What class of amplifier has the most high definition sound ?
The question was about the *class* of amplifier. And -- if cost i no object and all other variables held constant, class-A, no question.  But it has many downsides, mostly size, heat and cost int he real world.For small signals anyone who doesn't ... 
Vinyl***What If***
Do i think there are good values out there to get magic or near magic?  Sure - in vintage TTs.  An old AR XA, with the bearing replaced and a universal arm mount machined onto it (there are lots), can be very high quality. Old arms, can be had sor... 
Vinyl***What If***
oh, one more thing. You want cheap but want to hear the magic of vinyl.  While you are at it try being rich on a small, limited income.Its a tall order.  Vinyl is a fragile medium. Its why digital is so popular - vinyl is a PITA and most often sou... 
Vinyl***What If***
Since you have an MM phono stage, stick initially to a MM cart. I really like the grados, and the "back" or Green" is a steal at about $75-100. I actually have a Green is a very hgih end (albeit legacy) table/arm combo and I'm surprised at how goo... 
Does my amp have enough juice to power my speakers?
you need to provide more data.  I quickly looked up the speakers, 8 ohms, but no sensitivity listed int he review i found. Simple two-way, probably not too bad a reactive load.I (most of us) don't know much about your amp either. 20wpc is a measur... 
The Science of Cables
What I find interesting is that the second highest rated cable in the test had the worst fidelity, and the worst rated cable was right there in the middle when frequency and amplitude were measured.As i noted above, we have to distinguish between ... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
George:02-15-2019 3:23pm And all the DSPro’s from Gen 1 were R2R Sorry, but the Pro prime was only one of the Pro series to be Delta Sigma it used the DS chip SAA7350GP. The Pro Prime II was not DS it had 2 x PCM67P-K R2R chipsread what i wrote... 
The Science of Cables
I realize not all will like this, but it IS informative: panel discussion 
What responsibility does a seller have to tell a customer an item has been serviced?
I'll post one data point.  I still support products that i designed 20-30 years ago.  When they come in, which is amazingly rare, they typically go out not only "fixed" (if broken) but with little improvements or preventative mods that i l;earned ... 
The Science of Cables
I know you didn't ask me, but i took a quick look at:Could you please do us all a big favour and take a peak at the following thread.... give us your ideas about what all... 
The Science of Cables
While I largely agree with the direction of Dunlavy's post, I will give slight shelter to two claims:For example, claiming that copper wire is directional, that slow-moving electrons create distortion as they haphazardly carry the signal along a... 
The Science of Cables
cleeds, How does it prove nothing when subjects reported substantial differences, which, according to the test, could not have been there?One cannot prove a negative, we we cannot prove there are not differences, (except maybe the null test), but ... 
The Science of Cables
I'm not getting into the technical melee here, but if anyone is interested in measurements - including one that can ID differences ***when we don't know precisely what to measure***, look up a youtube video of an AES talk by Evan Winer on his Null... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
No, is not that simple.The cassanova card (at least the one i was holding) is also R2R. And all the DSPro's from Gen 1 were R2R. In fact, in 1994 i don't think there were sigma-delta chips yet. One of the big changes to the V and 8 was re-clocking...