
Responses from itsjustme

Overwhelmed and under experienced...
While I will allow that some people hear differences among power cables, I very strongly believe that the cost of high-end cables can always be better spent elsewhere. For example: better speakers, jitter reduction, an improved linear power supply... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
I'll weigh in as someone who designs this stuff, that redbook is in fact very very good.  In fact i have been blogging on digital formats, compression, etc and trying to undo some myths.( if you care)Audiophiles' suspicion o... 
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
"But, honestly, I just want to listen to music that sounds great and is easily located and selected.":-)  Don't we all. Let us know when you find it.Ok, seriously, its not that easy, but yes BlueSound is supposedly pretty good. But you still eithe... 
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
Just to answer a few questions not addressed to me :-)-- Why have the server in another room?  I think to reduce physical noise (fans, etc.).  I probably will just put it in a closet in the room.  I'll also make a quiet server based on  NUC, Roon ... 
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
Picking up on the last response about streamers - read my post again. **something** needs to present you a UI, identify the files locally or on a network, and send it to the appropriate digital interface, somewhere on the other end will eb the DAC... 
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
to Steve:Why do you advise against *lossless* formats like FLAC/ALAC?They are, after all, lossless, and after reconstruction are identical to RAW. And, I have compared and heard absolutely no difference. I admit i have not compared many times or p... 
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
You have the basics above. I’ll just add a few comments.First, think about the tasks - you need something to catalog and let you browse and select a file to play. Someone mentioned ROON, and i think that happens to be the pick of the streamer litt... 
Vienna Acoustics 'The Music'
I can’t guide you to a local dealer, but I can comment that there seem to be very few, and even fewer that stock many of the range.That said, i own the predecessor to the Music - the Mahler. They are superb; open, dynamic, uncolored, deep bass, ex... 
Why do some fine solid state amplifiers like Soulution have such low input impedance?
I was going to guess -- "noise".Its not how i design, but its legitimate. It may also be delectable or easily changed. Often its just a resistor. 
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
Hi Sleepwalker,Could you start with the entire system chain so we know what you were hearing, and the material, so we know the mastering? Without that its really jibberish.I've been doing some A-B experiments recently to isolate various contributi... 
Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
" know the Chord upsamples, so does the Benchmark, and so do many others, I’m specifically referring to upsampling before the DAC. DACs do this as it helps with jitter, doing this before the DAC doesn’t help."No, they do it to interpolate and re... 
Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
Wow, this is getting out of hand in breadth and how fast it progresses. Someone commented on what i said (quoted me) and then went on to speak of Chord DACs having the best filtering they knew of. It **appeared** that they were using it to counter... 
Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
Quote: (partial) "There has been an industry trend towards sampling rates well beyond the basic requirements: such as 96 kHz and even 192 kHz[7] This is in contrast with laboratory experiments, which have failed to show that ultrasonic frequencies... 
Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
Folks, I don't have time to go into all of it now, but there are LOTS of really serious errors in the statements being made here. e.g. "thinning out the music", e.g.: "you cant hear above 20 kHz so why 192?"  These make really critical mis-assumpt... 
Which area of components to spend the most $ on? Boy I was wrong all my life!
I’m not taking sides here - because "it depends". Yes a system is only as strong as its weakest link. I’ll go one further, no component sounds good, but some distort the sound less than others..That said, i do think that within reason, speakers ha...