
Responses from itsjustme

Threat of fire from audio equipment
Wellll. lightning can do crazy things, with the unit on or off.But a) it should be fused so that the fiuse protects you. I under-fused all my products - they would not pas full power on a test bench the way we shipped them. But in real life, you c... 
Beware of SACD Transports -- they probably will not work with your favorite DAC
OK, i have not researched this specifically.  but here is my logic and belief.  If your transport outputs S/PDIF as the digital signal to the DCA, that is a standard. I know of no encryption on S/PDIF since it must be backwards compatible. This ma... 
This question is aimed to TRUE Elec Engineers, not fuse or wire directionality believers.
I’ve never put a relay int he signal path. But Omron made nice, reliable relays electro-mechanical relays that I used in many commercial products for soft turn-in. triggered by DC - just what you need. The relay chatter issue typically comes when ... 
My amp is toast
i cannot imagine that you can't fix it for a few hundred $$.  Compare that to new amps!When you say "went up in smoke" can you be a bit more detailed and precise?To one earlier comment - even if its "only a resistor" the question is "why?" (which ... 
RCA vs Phono cable
the combination of DIN on one end (maybe, depends) and shielding (as noted by Chakster) is the answer.  Phono outputs are tiny and therefore pick up noise easily since they are amplified greatly before they go into the regular preamp (line) stage.... 
Does It have to be loud?
Several good comments above that deserve amplification.  I dont know what the SPLs are at my chair but i do know that:1. the ear has a reduced sensitivity to extremes at low levels, so too low is not ideal2. Noise will mask low level detail if the... 
How to properly put audio equipment on top of an antique buffet cabinet?
I'd consider either marble/whatever, or even glass, which would show off the woodwork. As noted, felt or similar is probably the best to protect the wood.G 
Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used
Handyman-I want to comment on the speed/DD/strobe thing.I don't know how much technical knowledge you have about turntables and analog sound playback, but a strobe tells you very, very little.  Its not speed accuracy that we need, it is consistenc... 
Entering the world of audio, help with first setup- speakers to pair with Peachtree 220SE
Dont (initially) worry about matching to the Peachtree - rather match to your likes/dislikes and to your room, then filter by those that will work well with the Peachtree.  In general, i would work the problem in reverse. Speakers, in addition to ... 
Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used
I'll weigh in with a few terse comments:1. Setup is  the weak link in the vast majority of turntables/Tonearms/cart.2. As used cartridge is an unknown, and at best has only a portion of its life left - not just the tip, the suspension3. I have not... 
Is powerfull Amps only for low sensitivity speakes?
Someone wrote: "These statements are not accurate. If the amp makes too much power and the speaker has no need for it, the amp will be operating in a lower power region. With most higher power amps, this means it will have increased distortion.... 
power cables where do I start?
I won't claim that power cables cannot or do not make a difference, but i will say, based on a LOT of comparative listening with some very high end gear, that its a modest difference and not always an improvement over industrial stuff.  If they do... 
Why do many discussions about sonic performance disintegrate into technical discusions?
I think this, quoted from above, sums up most of it:"I think that audiotroy is talking about two separate topics here:1) Threads that go off the rail, off topic what the OP is asking about.2) Whether technical jargon should be discussed in the for... 
Do I need a sut?
I think Al has it pretty much summarized.  Most transformers are intended to be used in front of a standard MM gain stage, for two reasons:  1) matching of gain, and 2) transforming of load. A MC stage typically has an input impedance of around 10... 
Is powerfull Amps only for low sensitivity speakes?
Kalali writes:"An additional point against using high powered SS amps driving extra efficient speakers is most SS amplifiers produce higher levels of undesirable (higher odd order) distortion within their first watt or two just like but not quite ...