
Responses from itsjustme

Smoke on my power amp
All I know is that the vast majority of amps I own or have owned have a huge warning in the owner’s manual that states not to operate the amp without speakers being hooked up. And I think you now know why. It is NOT safe to operate so don’t even t... 
Smoke on my power amp
the first question is "why?".  I have a guess: yo disconnected the speaker wires and they touched, shorting out the amp's "unconnected" channel.  Guess.IS there permanent damage?  Maybe. Some, yes. Significant? we don;t know without looking. Could... 
Recomend Some Albums Recorded with True Imaging.
Anything from Mercury Living Presence (well, the stereo ones, duh)Most anything from verve. Consider Ella and LouisSome good ones aboveThe ones i note image fantastically on both LP (assuming your TT is set up) and on digital (even if your turntab... 
What is the appeal of the Denon 103 cartridges?
I had one for years.  It was warm, and enjoyable, much in the way that Grado's can be.  Like most cartridges, setup is the most critical - and probably means more than what one starts with as a hunk of diamond, metal and who-knows-what.And, int he... 
Can anyone explain in laymans terms why your gear sound better after warm up
As you can see above, even engineers debate this. We have many possible theories, but no actual definitive answers, because no valid testing has (or will) be done. Its completely and costly.But there  are many possibilities:1. temperature consiste... 
Is grounding with RCA is safe?
I disagree that grounding options could reduce the accuracy of the system, **unless** they also created a noticeable hum.  no hum, no foul.The key to grounding is to have ONE connection to ground - and everything else grounded to THAT.  Typically ... 
Is grounding with RCA is safe?
It’s safe.Now, there are two complications:as noted you could create a ground loop, but from your report of improved sound, you didn’t, so don;t worry about it.Safety, and effectiveness, depend on how your component is grounded internally. The out... 
Are "streamers" the new "transports"?
Basically, "yes" but with one big caveat. For most of the time transports have been on this earth, they transmitted the data over SPDIF, in the original mode, which was isochronous. That meant that the timing of each sample transmitted was determi... 
Thoughts on discreet tubs, transistors vs. IC chips, op-amps.,.etc
On the other hand the very geometry and small size leads to compromises, and things like connecting resistors etc. must, in reality, be semiconductors -- not metal film, carbon film, etc.This isn't true, I use thin film smd resistors which are ... 
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
Not having read *every* post i like the direction of the OP and Geoff....first, most of what we like and don't seems to be locked in at recording and mastering.  Listen to some 50 year old Verve and Mercury recordings - superb in 16/44. Now listen... 
Brave man, McGowan...
As one of those who has to make things work, and spent time at some of the most respected R&D orgs in the world, i'll say only this:1. "makes a difference" does not mean better, nor consistently the same2. When i poo-poo some tweeks (and to be... 
Thoughts on discreet tubs, transistors vs. IC chips, op-amps.,.etc
There are trade-offs to all of them, and my guess is that the "tube sound" will continue to enthrall many, right or wrong.  But here's the funny thing: in my design career i manage to get "similar" sound out of all of them.  Don't read too much in... 
Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!?
Just about any but the cheapest stand alone phono stage will blow away every phono card ever made. Any. I either don’t follow or don’t agree. As a designer, if i have a high quality power supply, box, and attendant hardware already there, for free... 
Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!?
Don;t fret!  Extension cables ought to work fine.Just get good cables, shielded, female RCA --> male RCA and enjoy.  If you find too much capacitance (reduced high frequencies) try something else.  I made my own and they worked great. Noise is ... 
Are most recordings so bad it's not worth spending large on speakers?
The basic point is huge, and directionally correct. We worry about the smallest things in our hifi, but the big concerns are:poor recordings/masterings/pressingsrooms and setupBut all but setup are out of our control, unless we want to buy recordi...