
Responses from itsjustme

What responsibility does a seller have to tell a customer an item has been serviced?
I'm missing something. what problem did the service cause? 
Question About DACs
What CD player specifically?  How implemented matters often more than what chips are used. I can use chips well or badly, simple as that.  I have compared back to back a Schiit BiFrost multi-bit to the same designer's $4000 player circa 1994 9Thet... 
MC suggestions
i recently returned to the Grado fold, almost by accident. I was rebuilding my three (don't say it) turntables, and needed a cartridge to test out what should have been the pick of the litter. Popped in a Grado green (yes, Green, as in cheap) and ... 
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
Oh, a second answer - to your very last question: "how can you tell".Well, given "one equation (or test) to one unknown" - you need to compare lower to higher jitter.  Otherwise, you are hearing a system. Experience and training may tell you that ... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
FYI, i had occasion to speak to the guys at Theta about the Casanova recently. I was not terrible familiar.  According to them the DSPro is significantly better.  Casanova is a cool concept withe the all-digital backplane. I considered something l... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
eric_squires asked:The modern DAC, the best of them, no longer do this. The Redbook playback is so good high resolution is almost not needed. Anyone else notice this? Not really. I totally agree that as we solve problems in DACs and in the timing ... 
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
to oldschool1948Steve has more bench experience with these so I wont even comment on his figures or claims. But I’ll provide a couple of data points that are useful to anyone trying to digest why jitter is worse in A than B.First, SPDIF and its va... 
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
Audioengr wrote:"Most of what makes digital sound good has to with low jitter, and I mean really, really low jitter, a few picoseconds. It's ALL ABOUT JITTER, period."I never say never or always, but i pretty much agree here. If you think about... 
Why the facination with integrated amps?
AES/EBU better than USB?  Really?  AES/EBU is just SPDIF on a balanced physical layer, with all the synchronous issues (clock is least common denominator) rather than USB whcih allows, no, demands re-clocking - its asynchronous. Actually its not r... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
this ought to be great, thanks Malcolm!  Downloaded - would not play in browser. I plan to continue my blog @ with some interesting anecdotes from when i liaised to MPEG while working on both contribution quality digital compres... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
Sadly, Mark went from making absolutely killer $500 DACs to making even better $25000 DACs. I guess the market spoke, and being smart, he listened :-(Its also amazing how much better i made the gold full nelson LinkDAC sound by building a custom (... 
Overwhelmed and under experienced...
@bgpoppab Sorry for the delay, have been traveling for ~2 weeks.I simply mean something the guy at your local electrical supply house would call quality - thick copper, tight connectors to grab the prongs, etc. Nothing fancy.So i looked up what a ... 
Why the facination with integrated amps?
Just the perspective of someone who struggles with the design trade-offs, both technical and the big one **COST**.The unsaid part here is that everything is a compromise of what we want to do, against what we can afford to do - in design, mechanic... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
I'll just weigh in that having read many of the posts, there are lots of things being confused here.1. Confusing Upsampling vs magically creating more bit depth2. Confusing why one upsamples (its not to get more info)3. A vague notion that digital... 
Overwhelmed and under experienced...
Missingtime makes another good suggestion. Get a dedicated 20A circuit, and put in at least upgraded outlets, if not "hospital grade" - available at the home despot. Then get a GOOD outlet strip and run everything to that one point, eliminating gr...