
Responses from itsjustme

Pls Recommend Streamer Under $500 for Tidal “HiFi”
Roon partners here:'s on the list 
Pls Recommend Streamer Under $500 for Tidal “HiFi”
I think you are confusing terms or using them differently than typical.  You want a streamer, but then want to use it as a DAC.  A streamer sends a digital stream, typically over a network, to an endpoint that contains a DAC.  Alternately, it coul... 
It really is a great list, a list of influential speakers and truly innovative ones (which is why they were influential). I might add the servo stain 1, but one can't have two infinities not he same list I guess.I owned the 57s, heard the IRS 3s m... 
Good CDTransport (player) without DAC?
I see you have an elac streamer. I guess I’m not certain whether that has a CD transport in it or not, and if it does why you want another.if the answer is "it doesn't" - then: Laptop. Rip the CDs FLAC/ALAC. Send them to elac or play back bit-perf... 
Ears hurt when listening after changing speakers
reduction in spl vs seating distance is almost perfectly linear with panel speakers and is almost exponential with point source speakers.Huh? How can that possibly be? Have you actually measured this? Also, there are panel speakers that are al... 
and @david_ten  - yes, i understand. I was just placing a generic caution that while that is all good reading, no one could build the chip (meaning understand how it really works) form what is published.That of course is on purpose.G 
There are multiple unfolds of MQA. Again, staying out of the debate on its merits, and adhering to its claims, there are some benefits without an MQA licensed decoder chip. 
You can’t dismiss the facts by attacking the messenger. MQA adds distortion. This is a fact. Only the original lossless file has the full bit depth and correct phase preserved.Be very careful here.  Lossless what?  Most lossless files don't even... 
David Ten- I've seen all those and heard Bob speak on it.None of those have technical details nor methods. They have concepts.  I'm OK with the concepts, but cannot honestly say i truly know exactly what is being done in the final unfold. That's w... 
Data points are always good.The unfolding however, is reputed to be much more than filtering.  Its proprietary so we cannot say for sure, but they claim that additional resolution and time coherency are restored. This is why i used the terms "codi... 
I should add that I have not heard MQA in my system or any system i know and trust, nor in a well controlled comparison (any offers in the Morristown-Summit corridor?). All 4 of my DACs do not support MQA. One's 20 years old (and still excellent B... 
Well, i don’t even know what to ask. So I’ll ramble. Let’s put aside the real discussion which is the basic merits of MQA, and accept it for what it claims to be; an improvement in digital coding ("better HD"). Not playback mind you, coding. Bob’s... 
I can’t imagine you would hear much of a difference at all since you are working with their top of the line DAC.Can you explain? Thanks.I'm totally baffled by this too...Not saying I know MQA is good, bad or indifferent but i just don't follow the... 
Balanced vs RCA between amp/preamp
As has been pointed out, balanced is not inherently better sounding.  A balanced signal is simply two unbalanced signals, one 180 degrees out of phase (mirror image).  The you subtract one from the other - common noise cancels.  That's it.It is mo... 
What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One?
Elizabeth said: "Well MY digital is great, and so is my analog." Voice of reason.Some of my digital -- even redbook, is glorious. Much of it is terrible. Some of my albums are glorious, some are terrible. HUGE POINT HERE - often its the SAME recor...